Monday, February 22, 2010

I realize


So we meet oh come on..don't show me that look... I wish i had something interesting to say too..haiz..hehe

I have this friend..actually she's my godsis's cousin..we're not really biologically related..but you should check out her blog.. I'll always end up laughing like crazy!!...though I wasnt physically present in that situation..but I could feel everything she here !!..

Anyway..I'm just being me k.. YES ME!!..the one WHO knows she has a quiz tomorrow.. or assignment due..but still..the fingers are damm itchy!!.. just have to be FB, MSN.. and since I tried all 2...the last fav..BLOGGING!!..should have a taste of that too huh??..

I dont know..when am I gonna learn my lesson.. and I dont know how many times I said this.. and still here I am..saying it all over prepared for more la..I'm very very

Hmm what else.. ok

I realize..I cant keep long fingernails..*shame on you woman!!* tend to peel it of.. when I have nothing to do..

I realize..I cant keep my attention for more than 5 minutes on a paragraph!!

I realize.. I smile a little too much..when I'm extremely shy..

I realize..I smile when I dont know what to say..

I realize I smile even wider..when I say the wrong things...

I realize..that pregnant mothers are the most beautiful women EVER!!..

I realize..I only play the piano..when I;m sad..or in the mood..

I realize..I prefer the piano..compared to my guitar..

I realize..I dont really indulge in conversation with if you had mine.. your lucky!!..=p

I realize..that if you have something to say..SAY IT!!..dont be like me..=p

I realize..that though I sit here..crapping nonsense.. I can be of good use too.. like I just filled you boring time..with mine!!..=D

I realize..that when I hold a baby.. I am holding a life.. a gift.. a treasure..

I realize.. that I should stop this immediately!!..or else.. I got no more words for

Good nite!!


  1. so sweet lah! I love reading your blogs too =) Especially admire your postings on Christianity and all.
    But really, thank you so much sweetheart!!

  2. really..i really enjoy reading your blog!! wonder your doing journalism too!!..hehe..=)
