Some random conversation between my sis and me.. My 6 year old cousin Bernadette was present as well.. a while ago..
Sis: Juan.. wanna dance later or not??..
I gave her my 'i-dont-know-what-your-talking-about-look' and continued my drawing..
Sis: Comela.. we dance 'all the single ladies'.. put the laptop in front and follow their moves!, me and bernadette..
I starred at her with my mouth open...and said..:
WHO IN THE WORLD ARE YOU??..and what did you do to my sister??!!
Sis: hehehe.. Stop being a drama queen! k!.. So what you say??
Juan: of cause... why not.. dancing..ALL THE SINGLE LADIES.. on a saturday nite.. with my sister..and 6 year old cousin.. something I've been waiting for all my
Sis gave the..'you-need-to-get-a-life' look... and I continued drawing..
So that's what happen a while ago.. Since mom went outstation.. dad busy watching FOOTBALL.. so it was our day la.. all three of us dimmed the light..opened a dance floor literally.. hehe.. I was kinda surprise my SISTER of all people..suggested that we should dance!!.. why?? cause normally if we attend any parties..she will be like the LAST girl on actually drag her feet to the dance floor.. well me.. lol.. I can't dance for NUTS!.. but when your with the right people.. I get carried away..hehehe.. and sometimes you got to SHAKE THAT THINGGGG!!
hehehe..sorry sorry.. I was stuck at home the whole day!!..needed to get a life..hehe anyway.. we were laughing our guts out while dancing .. I'm telling you those girls in the video together with BEYONCE..are like soooo flexible.. but it was a good exercise... sweated like crazy.. should do it again sometime.. even my 6 year old cousin was singing the song.. she learned it from ALVIN and THE CHIPMUNKS.. when the CHIPETTES *I still think these people should have chosen another* ..performed all the single ladies..
Anyway, I have to blog about someone today..
Sorry to disappoint you but..its a SHE.. not that I'm a lesbian.. but I happen to be a guy.. trust me.. I wouldn't hesitate to fall for her.. hehe
and she, whom I did not meet by chance..but for a reason..seem to complete every way..
- she's like the mother I never had.. who knows me..better than I know myself.. in and out..
- who never hesitated to SOUND me..if I was making the wrong decision..
- who wants to be there for me..even if I went AGAINST her..and still made the wrong decision!!..
- who would tell me if I LOOKed bad in that dress..
- who KNOWS how to make me laugh in the most STRESSED UP moment..
- who likes me for who I am..despite my bad TASTE in guys.. which I have to agree with her.. lol..
- who can be a real annoyance at times.. but thats what makes her..HER!! ..
- who threatened NOT to visit my blog anymore..if I wrote anything bad about her.. but the truth is.. I can't find anything BAD about her.. NOTHING!! ..well, yes I tried.. I mean there must be a flaw in every human.. but NO.. she seem to amaze me..just by being herself..
Arent I have angels..around me..everywhere I go??..
You know.. there's a reason.. why God made each of such a way..
There's a reason..why He made me..what most people call.."blurr" ..
there's a reason..why God made HER..perfect in every way..
So that we could day.. and that she'll teach me the meaning of FRIENDSHIP!!..
My best friend forever..JACYNTA JASMINE MANUEL JEYARAJ!!
love her!!
hehehehe..good nite all!!

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