totally drained... barely able to open my eye lids now..
well you know me..if I dont blog for more than 48 hours..something is wrong!!.. anyway,iIf you didnt know..I'm totally the beach person!! totally!!.. I couldn't careless if I got SUNBURNED or what-so-ever.. you take me to the beach..and I'M YOURS!!..XD..
yes!!..totally love walking on the smooth sand..whether its HOT-SUN or FREZZY NIGHT!! .. Love digging my fingers through the muddy sand water..and build SAND CASTLES!!..and find the most unique shapes of sea shells.. love the blue, turquoise, green..mesmerizing sea.. love the salty smell of the sea water.. love the wind blowing through my hair..TOTALLY LOVE THE WAVES!!.. and the sky.. ever noticed how breath-taking the sky looks when it has the OCEAN as its neighbor??... take a look at it..the next time you visit the beach.. I couldn't get my eyes of it...hehe..
In this crazy world out there..that rushes every minute..and the technology that is developing in the blink of an eye.. take a moment to APPRECIATE GOD'S CREATION..before it is GONE!! ..and you will witness a MIRACLE!! ..yes.. wow.. the HANDS that created all this..IS TRULY SOMETHING!!..=D
And the best part.. is when you have the chance to experience is with THE ONES YOU LOVE!!..=D.. DOUBLE TRIPLE ENJOYMENT!!.. The cousins.. from both my parents side were there.. we played, we laughed, we threw sand on each other, we laughed again.. we couldnt stop laughing!!..
and we went back home.. promising each other..that we will do it again someday!!..
the results..of my one day holiday..=)
- Got sun-burnt like GILER-GILER!! joke.. lol
- Deaf a ear.. water CLOG!!..
- the hair.. the most precious hair.. is now..erm I should say DEHYDRATED!! ..hehe.. it feels like a barbie's sigh..
- I took 2 hours to bathe..and almost finished the brand new SHAMPOO!!
- A feeling called JOY..where I know..I cant find elsewhere..=D
Take care..god bless

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