TADAAAAAA!!..take a look above!!...hehehehe
Course I wasted about an hour doing some nutcase picture collage..!!..lol...
I was actually trying to figure how to do my VISUAL COM assignment.. and yeah.. I got carried away.. so dengan semangat yang terkobar-kobar.. there goes my one hour.. just like that!!.. sigh..
well anyway... I e-mailed my lecturer today.. first time.. hehehe.. Come on la.. I think she's really being unfair.. so yeah.. I stated down my points.. as politely as I could.. I really hope I'm doing the right thing...in e-mailing.. sigh
Anyway.. I need to go back being a girl.. which I dont get it.. Everytime I clean my table and my cupboard..the longest it has lasted for like only 2 weeks!!!.. or if in on a break..maybe a month la!!.. sigh..
Before I leave..thethings to be done during a week break..:
- Write minutes for St John Vianney Play
- Write minutes for English Youth Committee..*I should have just taken a secretary course..*
- Complete Visual Com assignment..*vomit*
- Start on Advertising assignment..
- Complete Advertising homework..
- Study for Advertising Mid term
- Study for Malaysian Studies Midterm..
- Start on Malaysian Studies assignemnt..
- Start drafting for Expository essay assignment..
- Start studying for Mass Com Quiz
- Allocate some time for CNY visiting..
- Some time for movies..with the girls..sigh
- Allocate the night time for blogging, facebook and msn!!..*a must!!* .=p
- Badly need to meet cyn and stal...together.. cause I dont have the pic of three of us together!!..sigh
I cant mix enjoyment and assignment together!!..can i??..
Nevermind..everything happens for a reason!!..
I can do this!!... yes..*I MEAN IT!!*..
come on... say it with me!!..
lol... WE CAN DO THIS!!..right bloggy??
You have to be with me!!...I just changed your "FACE!!".. gave you some inspiration..
please... be on my side!!..and dont be sooo tempting..=p
OK ok..I'll go already..=p

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