"I don't know who she is.. My heart, don't go after her.. Is this true or a lie, I don't know.. My heart, don't go after her.."
Yes..Juan Margrita Gabriel Thomas..with the weirdest a FULL BLOODED NORMAL INDIAN!!..not MALYALEE..or TELUGU..err..actually 1/4 malyalee la.. lol.. but yeah.. I'm indian.. and I can speak tamil.. not that good.. but just enough to get a message across..=)..
In all my life.. I've found tamil movies ridiculous, unreal, full of dramas..but still I love watching them..some are really touching..really funny..and really stupid..and the best movie so far..which is very real..very touching.. very unexpected.. is VAARNAM AAYIRAM!!.. Somehow I manage relate to it very easily whenI watched it on 22nd May last year.. hehe.. I remember the date very well.. wanna know why?? here.. =)
The songs are awesome!!.. all the song..especially this one song.."Nenjukkul Peidhidum"..extremely.. firstly, I liked the tune.. but you know I only speak 'bahasa pasar' tamil..hehe..hence, I dont understand what the song is about..but pretty obvious it's about love.. then today, suddenly the song was in my head..and so I begged KABI.. hehe.. he's a friend from UCSI.. to sing it for me.. and wow!!..I also liked the ANJELE song.. but this is way way more cooler..and meaninful..haiz..
Therefore I officially pronounce that VAARNAM AAYIRUM is the best tamil movie I've watched so far..and the the best tamil song ever!!..check out the lyrics in English..and you;ll know why..
And I just watched a particular clip from you-tube.. where Suria first meet girl..and wow!!.. I miss that feeling..
Yes..the butterflies in stomach.. the magnetic stare..that makes you lost in those eyes.. the part where your heart is about to come out..the moment he passes by.. awwwhh.. it's just like school days.."When your fifteen, somebody tells you they love you... you gotta believe them!!"..
But I'm not fifteen anymore!! =( and no.. it's not really that exciting these days..I cant act like a LOVE STRUCK DUMB TEEN..sigh..and seriously I find no guy interesting.. OK OK..except for that one guy la..he was unexceptionally tooo cute for me to resist!! least this sentence makes me normal again..hehe
hehe..alrite..I gtg!!..
and lastly..
"Yen jeevan jeevan neethaney..Yena thondrum neram idhuthane..Nee illai illai yendrale..Yen nenjam nenjam thaangadhey"
"You are my life..i feel it at this very moment..if you're not there..i cant bear it at all.."

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