I'm officially sick!!.. Its been a while..since I fell sick.. but I like how my voice sounds.. hehe.. its far from sweet.. very rough like a man!!..something like Rani Mukherji..hehehe..=p ..I like her voice.. its very rare.. very unique..=) lol..ok sorry sorry.. I'll come back to earth any moment now..so that we can have a more serious talk..=p
So the post that I've been procrastinating for sooo long..hehe..about 4 rare and very unique girls in their very own way..who made me agree that I did make a right decision by coming to UCSI.. whom I somehow have the feeling that they will be there for me..even though I did the most stupidest and embarrassing things.. through thick and thin.. through failure and success.. who doesnt mind hearing my nonsense.. who happens to be one of the most craziest bunch of people.. lol...IS FINALLY HERE!!..=)
I think I'm destined to make my journey from primary school, high school, church, foundation friends.. and now degree.. with the craziest bunch of people ever existed.. like seriously.. I wont be surprise if my soul mate happen to be a crazy one too..hehe but I think that aint a problem.. cause for me..CRAZY-NESS is a gift.. and I intend to use it wisely..=)
Ok so enough about me..hehe.. now lets get crazy..
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason??..well I do.. One fine Monday.. I was at the library.. reading my novel.. "PERFECT" by Judith Mcnaught.. when a girl.. with the LONGEST HAIR I've ever seen.. politely asked.. "is anyone sitting here??" ..I smiled and said.."NO" ..I was so engrossed in my book.. and you know how "good" MY SOCIAL SKILLS are right??.. I was so shy to even look up..can you imagine if 'she' was a 'he' ??..lol..I'd probably be paralyzed..hehe..
So back to my story.. this girls timetable is the same as mine!!...and she's very wild..very unprediectable..so unlike me... but hey.. ever heard of OPPOSITES ATTRACT?? well that's exactly what happen.. When two different world collide, a miracle happens.. FRIENDSHIP!! so presenting GURPREET KAUR..she prefer to be called as PINKY!! ..but I like GUJU thought..=p
So one fine day again.. GUJU ..said she met this Indian girl..who wants to have lunch with her.. I was anxious..WEEEE!! another friend.. and GOODNESS GRACIOUS!! she was hyper.. so very EXCITED even for the slightest things..this girl was soooo sooo... hmm.. whats that word...YEAH.. she was sooooo NISHA!! trust me..even in a million years time..YOU CAN NEVER find someone as CUTE.. as ABNORMAL.. as INSANE.. as SWEEET!! as NISHA CHANDRASEGERAN!!...
Then..we went to have lunch in that same week... Saha, Pinky and me.. were on way to RICHIE'S..*the one decent place to eat in UCSI"...Nisha was there.. with this lovely Indian girl.. wow.. This girl..and SHOPPING ..are like 2 peas in a pod.. bagai ISI dengan kuku... and importantly..she LOOKS GOOD in Anything.. even shorts and t-shirt.. though I haven't seen her in one yet.. but you can guess it!!.. and she knows practically half of my relatives.. hehe.. such a small word huh??.. and P/S ..she thinks being SINGLE is AWESOME!!..cause you get to check out GUYS..without feeling GUILTY!!..weeeeeee!!..totally AGREED!!..=D.. so ladies and gentlemen.. put your hands together.. for SAMANTHA DAVID!! ..and btw.. I always wanted to call someone 'SAMMMMMMM!!" ..finally my wished was fulfilled!! =)
Last..but definitely not the least.. Sam was always talking bout SUDHA.. and I'm like..wow.. she must be something.. and nooo.. I was soo WRONG!! ..she aint just 'something' ..if she wants to be SUPERMAN!!..she will.. if SHE wants to CONQUER the earth..SHE WILL!! ... I've never met anyone as easy going, as confident, as bold as her... SHE WANTS IT..she has it!... I wish I was like her..in someway.. instead of being sooo..blurr all the time..lol.. and guess what??.. SHE'S THE ONE WITH THE CAMERA!!..WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! ...yeah.. the CA-ME-RA!! ..woohooo ..the my type kinda gal!!.. SUDHASHINI VISVAM is surely one of a kind..=)

soooo.... thats to the four babes.. who I just met couple of weeks ago.. and yet I feel so gifted.. loved.. cherished.. and I thank God..for sparing some of HIS time on me..and giving me these precious gift..that I know I can't find elsewhere...

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