hehehe.. I don't why am i so deliberately happy ...=)=)
I have a lot to blog..hmm..where should i start??..
Lets start with last night.. I was 90% close to not attend charismatic..firstly cause it was raining.. NON-STOP! ..like the end of the world only.. seriously..the sky was so dark..there was thunder and lightning.. the roof was about to fall.. i was feezing beneath my sheets.. wishing.."Ma..come back home now!!" ..hehe..i was home alone la..lol and to all those who thinks the world is gonna end soon.. and that you have a lot more to do ..
well I, Juan Margrita Gabriel Thomas..aged 19 proudly stand still, look directly into your eyes and says.."so what??!!" .. I havent completed my studies.. I havent felt my hair straight down my back...*which I was planing to not cut my hair and let it grow!!"..hehe// I havent had the slim figure I always wanted..*working on that*.. I havent made my parents proud.. I havent met cyn and stal for a very long time.. I havent wrote the song i wanted to.. and lastly..I havent found my PRINCE CHARMING!! ..=p ..and still..if the world is ending..let it be then!!
For I have found the most precious gift of all..who needs long hair and slim figure..better yet!!..who needs A GUY!!?? ..hehehe.. you know.. when you've found the joy of leaving everything in GOD'S HANDS!!..you'll probably get what I'm feeling right now.. CARE FREE.. A satisfaction I can't possibly find elsewhere..but with HIM!!..and ONLY HIM!! ..
But anyway chilla la..last weeks reading says..NO ONE KNOWS WHEN THE WORLD IS ENDING BUT THE FATHER!!
Anyway i think i terpesong a lil bit d..back to my story!!
But then..I dont know what triggered me..for when I was on my way to fetch my dad and sis in the station..I called my mom..saying.."is it ok, if I attend charismatic today??" ..I didnt know why I did such thing.. but I realize.. When you leave it in God's hands..HE will make is possible..according to HIS mysterious way..
Surprisingly.. My sis wanted to come along as well.. so after charismatic.. I was so hoping that they will forget all about me..and leading praise and worship..and suddenly the aunty asked.."I thought one of you wanted to lead praise and worship??" ..I was like oh oh.. "that should be me.." ..and she was like.."so next can??" ..with the heaviest of the heaviest hard.. and that sweet smile on her face.. which was telling me.."IT'S TIME..You come out from your COMFORT ZOne..and start doing something FOR GOD!!" ..i smiled then..and said.."alrite!!" ..
and she gave me this huge bag..with all songs.. I'm suppose to choose what songs to be played.. A part of me says..weeee!!..i CAN'T WAIT!! ..another part.. is saying.."ARE YOU CRAZY??" ..amazing huh??..how the dEVIL works??..trying to do everything to make it NOT HAPPEN!!..
well..this note goes to the evil one..
No matter how strong the wind blows..THE MOUNTAIN and can never bow to it!! .. tHE more you stop me..the more I RUN!! ..For it is NOT ME ..your dealing WITH..but the one..WHO DWELLS WITHIN ME!!.. ..so you can keep your nonsense to yourself!!.. the EVIL can't WIN for their VICTORY is SIN!! ..I will keep ROCKING for JESUS!! ..=)
i suggest you do the same..
part 2..to be continued..
class gonna start!
god bless..=)

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