Lately.. I've been receiving weird kinda messages in facebook.. and this time..i cant believe it!!.. first there was some dude..asking me what TOOTHPASTE i USE??...then there was one..asking..what cleanser I use for my face??..another messaged..saying.."HI BABY" .. there was one saying..i have a really nice body.. another message from japan.. saying..your cute!!..and the list goes ON!!..just a moment ago..a dude..MESSAGE HIS WHOLE BIODATA TO ME!! ...
Not to brag or anything la..but EXCUSE me Sir!! ..if that's your PICK UP line.. then I'm sorry.. I dont think any girl will fall for it!!
But I did receive one interesting message..and thank God I replied..apparently..he turned out to be something different from lets see..where is this leading..=)
