Why is NEW MOON awesome??
hmmm..personally..I kinda knew how Bella felt..when EDWARD left her.. so it is pretty easy for me to relate to her.. Like your really close to someone.. and then they leave you.. they also took a part of you with them.. and that part can't be REPLACED.. cause there will never be another "him" .. KRISTEN STEWART played the role perfectly..
And you know..whats the other beauty in this movies??..that though he left her.. and SHE COULD HAVE THE HAWTESTTT GUY ON EARTH..*Jacob Black* ..=p ...yeah yeah..i did say VAMPIRES are hotter that WARE WOLVES.. but I was drooling all over Jacob wei.. the moment he came out with hair cut.. I totally fell for it.. sigh. and I wonder..how weak can a girl get??.. does guys feel the same way..when they see their dream girl??..hmm..any gentlemen care to answer??..lol
Anyway like I said.. the love she poured was so pure and loyal.. that it can't never bought by anything else..even another guy..who WANTS TO POUR MORE love..than Edward did..
well..that's how is it when a girl falls in love.. a girl who is in SERIOUSLY!! which can be a total opposite to guys.. Not steroetyping or anything.. but just as soon as the girl leaves him.. His off to find someone NEW!! .. How 'cheap' can ones love get huh?? ..I mean the "ex" is not even cold in grave..at least 'morn' for a few more weeks la..lol.. Whatever happen to the love..the guy claims to have??.. burried together with girl??...Hmm..HEARTLESS!!..seee..a perfect example of why the say LOVE IS A GAME these days..for there are many "PLAYERS!!" ..
ohh..and I love the last part...bella said.."Dont make me choose..It'll be him.. It has always been him!" ..and also the part edward says to belle.."MARRY ME!!" ..sigh..and they have to stop it there..babi rite??!! lol..
Here are some pics..I'm really in love with this movie..so dont mind ya!!..=p

NEW MOON official wall paper..

The wolve pack.. nice body eh??..lol.. i think Paul is soo cute!!! =p

The vampire and the mortal herself..i like what they wrote on the pic..=)

The ware wolf and the mortal herself..and he asks her.."what..I'm not the right MONSTER??".. hehe..

The hawttiiee!!.. gosh..I can't help it.. It was love at first sight.. even with his long hair.. TAYLOR LAUTNER..i officially have a huge crush on you..though you belong to TAYLOR SWIFT.. sigh..=(
Anyway I think..the government should come up with a new rule!!..NO GUYS ARE ALLOWED TO GRADUATE TILL THEY HAVE THEIR 6 PACKS!! ..hehehe..=p Oh come on!!..you have to agree with me!!..lol..
ok ok..enough of new moon..and 6 packs.. need to start STUDYING!!..=)
take care..God Bless=)

aaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE TWILIGHT SAGA!!!!! if u say this is bad taste den i rather hv the bad taste! jacob and edward are soooo hot!!! and deir bodies.. im feeling soo sinful.. hahaha..