So here's what happen...
Cheng Yee..always sent me to Mid valley station..since its on the way.. so i take the train straight from there..back home after college..
As I was walking to the ticket poles..*don't know what to call it*..normally the place is filled with promoters..promoting all kinds stuff..esp the annoying celcom people!!..hehe..a white gentlemen..*he deserved to be called one!!* his LIGHT BLUE shirt..and Black Tie..and Black pants..*the image is still VERY CLEAR!!"...was right in front!!..I apa lagi.. straight away looked at what i was wearing.. AN AGE OLD BLOUSE..with my FAVORITE SWEATER..and SANDALS!! rained a while you could have windy was it!!..and what condition my hair was..sigh..i straight away put my head down..acting invisible..KNOWING he wouldn't GLANCE in my direction..
Walking as fast as I could..carrying my FORM 4 SCHOOL BAG..with my dearest diary..close to my heart.. Indian guy called out.."miss!!" .. i looked up..*not bad looking also..seriously..hehe..*..he pointed to the white guy..and asked.."DO YOU THINK HE'S GOOD LOOKING??" ..and that moment..i gazed into those GORGEOUS BLUE eyes..WOW..!!..for a moment I just glanced into HEAVEN ..and HE SMILED!! far the most magnificent smile..I;ve ever seen!!!.. it was like.."i just died..and saw an angel..and i came back to life!!.."
..and GUESS WHAT??..HE SMILED AT ME!!..i couldn't help it..the indian asked..SO RANDOMLY!!..that..i wanted to burst out laughing..but thank God..the senses was still there..i just gave a BREATH-TAKING smile..hoping that will catch his attention..*perasan-ing mood*..AND walked away!!..but they did call me back for their product..well..i couldn't do anything!!.. i mean..i dont wanna miss the train..sigh..ok ok..i admit!!..i was SHY!!..sigh..
moral of the story..
Always look presentable..and for goodness sake girl..GET rid of the SHYNESS!!..and learn to live...=)
and this..then..i shall continue..where I stopped the other day..on the post.."THE VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND.."..
I cheap and is viewed these days.. I see my friends..switching boyfriends..or girlfriends..from one to another.. i mean..whatever happen to.." SHAKE SPEAR..ROMEO & JULIET.. THE NOTEBOOK!!...A WALK TO REMEMBER..P.S. I LOVE YOU..& TITANIC!!.." may say.."they're just movies!!"..but still.. haven't it created..that tiny urge in you.."will i ever experience such MAGIC??!!" ..deny it all you can..but you know what you want!!
so's some so-called tips..from my own i have noting to do..*not to mention..the lessons to be prepared this Sunday..and assignment due nest week..minutes of meeting to be written..!!*..hehe..but i learn that..if you feel like writing something..better write it there and there..then only GOT-THE-FEELING!!..hehe..
For a good guy..if you're attracted to a girl and wants it to last..=)
- First and foremost..when you like someone..DON'T EXPECT THEM TO LIKE YOU BACK!!..=)
- Secondly..are you like on the verge of dying or something??..No right..then TAKE YOUR TIME HUN!!..get to know her...what she likes..what she doesn't like.. what's her most embarrassing HER BEST FRIEND!!..=).. how long does it take??.. as long as you don't wanna make the wrong choices rite??..6 months..1 year..2 years...??..the longer the better..=)
- Thirdly..don't start flirting with her..too soon!!.. i mean..what if she's not the one??.. she might have mistaken your friendship as something deeper!!'ll not only break her'll also get yourself a free PASS to the hospital..after she punches you!!..hehe
- Fourthly..if you're really into this girl..then mean every word you say!!.. if you promise to get her chocolates..though she still keep your promise..get her FERRARO ROCHE!!..*get me some too k??*..=p.. i mean it marks a good impression on you!!..she'll know your not playing..
- share your life with her too... tell her what you think..of the moon and the stars..or the sun..and beaches.. what's your best moment.. hows your mom like.. whats your passion and stuff..*girls like to listen too*... though its hard for a guy to actually open up.. cause..kononya wanna jaga macho rite!!
- Sixthly..Get RID OF THE WORD EGO AND PRIDE!! thing that destroys almost every relationship!!..when you think its time..BREAK your GUTS AND GET REAL!!..It's better to LOOSE your someone you LOVE.. than to loose THAT SOMEONE you love.. to your PRIDE!!..
- hmm..what else.. oh yeah..never lie to her!!.. for example.. if you don't feel like talking to her at that moment..the tell it straight to her face..!!.. if she loves you..she'll understand.. don't give her all the"my phone ran out of battery..or out of credit!!"..i can't stereotype women or men..but personally i think.. if one starts wouldn't last~!!
- I shall make this the'T BE DECEIVED BY LOOKS!! ..hehe..i mean come on la.. she's cool..shes hott!!..but is she really..the-bringing-home-to-meet-my-mom-kinda-type??..or the one night stand??..the one is not willing to go through thick and thin with YOU??..who doesnt wanna share this life with you forever ..have your kids..teach to say the rosary??....but instead..the one who thinks.."having a boyfriend is cool!!..its the trend now!!" if your SANE..i guess the answer is NO!!..hehe.. but if you ever get the whole package..ALL IN ONE!! better dont let her go... you know you can't possibly find another one!!..=)
- one more..dont forget to P.U.S.H!!..PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS!!
good nite..!!..and god bless~~
p/s..if it didn't work out..its all part of a GRANDER plan that is coming true!!
God says.."YES!"..and He gives you what you want..
He says .."NO"..and He gives you something better!!
He says.."WAIT" ..and He gives you the BEST!!..

l0l..yeah yeah :)