Since I am early..for my cancelled class..=(..might as well blog about something.. hmmm..what to blog??..NEW MOON??..oh yeah baby..
Today is THE DAY!! ..weeeeeeeeeee... will be going to JUSCO later..with the HFC YOUTH COMMITTEE..hmm..fred, manda, glynn, chris, alvin, helena, tracy..and my sis!!.. for the 11pm movies....This is the part where I really wish..the time will fly by!!..CAN'T WAIT!! ..weeeee!!.. finally after a long awaited year full of torture and sadness..being separated from the HAWTEST VAMPIRE!!.. gonna be meeting him in tonight.. though its only through the screen..ohhh trust me..its worth it!!//..=D
anyway..I was chatting with someone last night..and he labelled "TWILIGHT" as "dongeng" ..and then it hit me is a fairy tale rite??..
I mean come on lar.. there's no such thing vampire.. and no such thing as vampire falling in love with a human!! Indirectly..for me I feel its SOOO COOL TO HAVE A VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND!!.. but lets come back to reality.. it doesnt happen!!
So what exactly makes the story intersting.?? may ask.. hehehe.. yeah edward and jacob is hawt and all..besides BELLA and EDWARd..looks really good together!!..but there is something..
You may not agree..but I think the LOVE portrayed in this story.. is what cdrew many attention to the continuation of this story.. Personally I think.. the loyalty.. the passion.. the "eye to eye look.." how he wants to win her.. how she don't mind being the "victim" .. the pasionate KISS!!..can you see..what i
What defines love anyway??.. Has anyone ever loved us as they claim??..let alone love..since LOVE is viewed as a cheap "game" with many players nowadays.. what defines TRUE LOVE?? ..Is it the love..from our family..or a close friend..perhaps..the love of a guy to a girl..and vice versa??.. well.. I do not know about you.. but in my dictionary..true love means SACRIFICIAL LOVE.. whereby I've only known of 1 person..who has portrayed that love in the most OUTSTANDING WAY!!..
What is this love..and who is this person??.. hmm..this LOVE i speak about.. broke all chains.. it tore down all walls.. It's knows no lies.. it has no boundaries.. for He shed every single drop of blood..and is willing to go through it WIN us all back.. It is truly unconditional .. and compassionate ..sealed with TRUTH.. and HOPE ..AMAZING LOVE.. is what I'll name it..=)
Who is this person??
Yes..The king or kings..the lord or lords.. May His name be lifted high forever..
My saviour He is..
The air I breathe..
My heart He CAPTURED..
My world He holds..
Give it up MR JC!!.=)..
hehe..k guess i got get class gonna start.. and err.. for the first time in my actually going to watch NEW MOON TWICE!!..firstlt..with HFC GANG..secondly on FRIDAY MORNING..with UTARIANS!!!.WEWEEE... have to watch it too k??
take care..god bless

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