Name a friend u cant sleep without talking to at night.
- Jesus..=)
Name a classy friend of yours, sharing opinions that proves the maturity within u both.
- Prajiv..alexzander johnson!!..=)
Name a friend whom complies with- close to heart, well respected, & perfect match for talking.
- Jacynta and crystal..
Name a friend who assures love, care, concern though seeming far away.
Name a friend that u don’t quite share much common interest, but still a good friend.
- seenu..=)
Name a friend that you make a good match
- Christina, glynn, fred, manda..all church friends!!..
Name a friend that you find all possible reasons to bully, but nevers gets worked up at all.
- ALVIN!!..hehehe..=p
Name a friend who tolerates your randomness.
- ohhh...surely its LIM JIN HAN!!..
Name a friend close to your heart but whose little too far away to share thoughts.
- Kevin Mirandah..=)
Name a friend that you fight with, gossip about but still make a better friend.
- erm..hehe..rina i guess..hehe
Finally.. now name a friend whom you can tell anything and also able to share common talks & gossips.
- stal, cyn, rina..helena..=)..and ALL UTARIANS!!..
love you people..who colored my life!!..=)
thank you..
actually got a lot more.. if i've missed any of u people i am extremely sorry.. you'll always in my heart..
god bless..

awww so sweet.. i like this too!! =)
ReplyDeletehehe im blushin l0l