last post continuation.. so after charismatic..the whole gang went for supper.. marcus, royston, kenneth, chris, glynn, rozanne, my sis..and me.. charlotte had to go back home..cause her SPM BM the next day..!!..which reminds wish ALL SPM AND STPM students..esp "bean" ..hehe..ALL THE BEST!! while having supper..saha joined us after a while..and did I ever mention that somehow i end up with the craziest bunch of people ever existed??!! joke wei.. in church.. in college.. in school!!..hmmm.. cause they made me laugh like CRAZY!! ..i could feel my intestines all
So Royston started his nonsense..about my FAT, SHORT, Black boyfriend!!..hehe.. actually last time..he used to ask me.."so hows your boyfriend.." ..and i "innocently" replied.."which one??" ..he said.."the FAT SHORT BLACK ONE!! know i to act MACHO.. i said.."ohh he's fine..thanks for your concern!!" ...hehe...
So yesterday he asked again la.. and i gave him..the "whats-your-problem look??" ..and this time.. he said.."you seriously still single ar??" ..I still stared at him in DISBELIEF!! ..trying to digest the question he just asked me...
And Chris joined in.." come u still single??" ..the first though came to my mind was.."what in the world is wrong in being single people??!!" ..that doesn't mean I DO NOT HAVE A life!!..and clearly does not mean that NOBODY wants me!!..I just flash my breath taking smile..and wink MY EYES..boy you should see the whole crowd running after me..boys and girls BOTH!!.. ceeehhh wahhh...*SELF PRAISING IS DISGRACE JUAN!!" carried away..
I mean its like..why is it a girl needs to be happy..only when she's with a guy??.. i know it nice to see..your inbox full with that one person.. its nice to feel your HEART SKIP A BEAT..whenever they come online.. it's nice to hear them dedicate a song to you.. it's nice to flood their FACEBOOK wall..with all those LOVEY DOVEY messages!! ..its nice to have someone call you every night before you sleep..just to much they miss you!!..been there before.. done it before!!..
hmmm.. but being not that bad also know..not to mention the fact..that every time you see a can only imagine..what happens when he leaves her."".i mean seriously..mid valley mega mall is like a NEST for couples..not that I'm prejudice over two love birds..ok ok..maybe i am.. cause..whenever I see them..its like.."It's not GONNA LAST!!" ..sigh..what a DEPRESSED gal I am!!
You know whats the best part of being single??!! CAN FLIRT all long..and no one can say anything..geee..I sound like a playgirl ar??..hehehe..nahhh.. once in a while need to brush up my flirting skills rite??..hehe..only with the dude..that doesnt take it seriously la..
I have this friend..i mean..he is still my friend..LIM JIN HAN.. since he complained..i NEVER BLOGGED about him!! yeah..lim..check this out..hehe.. Lim and I gila-gila wei.. and he will try to trap me with his CHARMING smile..i will try to do the we use to have a paper war in class..the guys at the back from NO WHERE will throw paper to the girls in front..and of cause the girls..takkan wanna give face we also BALAK BALIK ..and thats exactly when..PN SIM..our maths teacher..will come in..and give a lecture on keeping the class room we lOVED her!!..rite cyn??=p.. i know the boys did la..they ADORED HER AND HALIMAH!!
.. and studying time at night..I'll purposely bug lim's life by messaging or online..and use to go tuition to his house..every THURSDAY!!..thanks to his mom la..for helping score an A in CHEMISTRY!!..HE STILL OWES ME A DATE in the MAMAK stall..and I still owe him his..18 YEAR OLD BIRTHDAY GIFT!!!!
Which reminds me..I MISS GOING TO SCHOOL!! those were the times..*sobs sobs..*..and thank mom didn't enroll in me in a convent..hehehe..=p..or else..gosh..i would have missed my whole life!!.. BIG TIME!!..
and cant wait to see lim!!..he's coming back on the 31st of december!!..weeeeee!! ..
my long lost sayang coming back!!..=)
now you see..the joy of being single??..yeah..its pretty bored..but ITS FUN TOO!! dont be sad.. I know I'm not..and I intend to enjoy it!!..=)
k then..have to babysit..lil bernadette!!
take care ppl!!

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