Sunday, June 6, 2010

I wish I was little again

"I love you.. you love me.. we are happy family.. with a great big hug..and a kiss from me to you..won't you say you"

Once again she scores!!!!...weeeeeeeeeeeee!! ...hehehe.. I finished my first ever assignment for semester!!.. but that's not it.. I finished it 2 days BEFORE the due date!!!.... weeeeeeeeee!! *dances around in her pyjamas!!* normally I'm up the whole night la before the due date la k..!!.. I know..I'm so awesome right??!!.. and I know you agree with me!!.. even if you don't ..just pretend that I am..;p .. just for this once k.. I mean come on!!.. I deserve some credit too.. for taking your boredom away!!..hehe..=D

heheheh..forgive me.. a bit the too excited..

Anyway.. Just now in the evening.. my sis, mom and me.. was having this conversation.. about our childhood.. yes yes!!.. I was such an ANGEL!! .. =))) ok ok fine!!.. I admit I was a big bully.. but you can't blame me.. I barely knew the difference between "duku" and "mata kucing".. or tomato and apple... and the rain and sun..!!.. errr.. ok ..ignore the last part..I wasn't that;) but yeah.. you get my point right?.. I was such a baby!!.. I mean not that I've grown up now.. I mean I am.. oh goshh.. what in the world am I talking??..

Sorry... the excitement is still there..;p ;p

So anyway.. there's this group in facebook that says.."I wish I was little again.. where the hardest choice, was picking a crayon.."

True isn't it??.. well I wish I was little again..
  • Where I didnt bother if there was a chocolate stain on my teeth..
  • Where its ok, if my skirt was just beneath my..*well you know what* ;p ;p
  • Where I could still play "galah panjang" ..with the boys in my taman.. sigh.. we use to play that EVERY EVENING!! ..
  • Where your clothes are neatly ironed and folded..and shoes cleaned and polished!!..=)
  • Where the hardest of the hardest homework you had.. was to repeat the same sentence over and over CURSIVE WRITING!! ..
  • Where the worst pain you ever scratching your knees on the road..
  • Where the only tears you shed.. was when you mom didn't want to buy you the LYCHEE FLAVORED ICE-CREAM, for the lamest reason ever..which is you might fall sick!! lol.. I mean come on.. it's only one day..and one ice-cream..ish!!
  • Where the only worry you had.. was not being able to watch that cute, lovely, chubby, adorably purple dinosaur called BARNEY!! ..sigh..
  • Where all you wanted..and all you had to give.. is LOVE!! ..

Sigh.. if there was a one wish I had.. I wished I'd never grow up.. and deal with all these nonsense..

But since I've programmed myself to deal with positivity..from now on.. So I have to admit..being a grown up can be fun too..=)

Like..erm.. like..sigh unfortunately I can't think of any now..=(

Some other time

Good night!!..

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