This post is gonna be bias.. I dont care.. I warned you..=)
Seriously, that useless species from mars.. is totally hopeless!!..H.O.P.E.L.E.S.S ... I don't mean everyone though.. but yeah.. most of them.. MOST!! .. So far.. the only guy I've ever met is my brother from a different mother..which is Saha.. I can give you like about a hundred reason..=))
And my dad of cause.. that also because I'm carrying his blood.. of cause there are stuff which I totally disagree with him.. but nevertheles. I wouldn't be here.. if it wasn't for him.. also for saving from me and my sis from all the cockroach torture.. I could have died screaming la k..;p ;p
No offense.. but if you're a guy..and happen to pass by my's only because I don't really know you that well yet.. or there could be some pass incidents.. that is creating a wall.. or maybe if you really did try acting like one..
But the million dollars question is still left unanswered..
Isnt there any good guys left in the world?? Even if there is..they are all taken,or perhaps entering the seminary.. =(..
Tapi takpe..maybe I'm only made for Gerard Butler.. or Taylor Lautner.. ;p ;p .. But then again.. maybe these people are actors!! ..A.C.T.O.R.S ..
And I'm a pathetic excuse for a friend.. really I am.. he must be hating me like mad.. =(( but I'm sorry.. its just not meant to be..
And throw me off the cliff.. if I ever talk about boys again.. I'm on an anti-cute guys mode.. no boys.. no relationships..!!
Just me and my pretzelssss!!! ..and don't mess with a girl with food k!.. I mean it!! .. I could just tear you to bits with a stare... or you might just melt.. ;p ;p.. ohh noo.. and this is coming from a girl.. who can't last a second without vainity.. haizz..
But I should give it a try..
And also "anti m&m" can't melt me anymore!!..

i totally get wat u mean in ur blog.. hahahaha!! glad im not the onli one who thinks dat way.. hope the million dollar question will b answered for both us some how..^^