You know what's my problem??..arghhh.. nevermind.. no point telling it here.. but I have found out something.. that when we hear about other people's problem..we may feel its something small..something very umimportant..something we can go through easily.. but to that person..its a BIG PROBLEM!! ...i dont know how else to explain..but when you're in it..then you'll realize..=)
Not that I have a problem..with having problem.. speaking of which..I have a lot NOW!!.. hmm..ever felt like quitting everything..and just walk on.. just let go.. of everything that has been holding you back.. walk wherever your feet takes you.. follow wherever your heart goes.. insane and illogical..completely stupid.. byt yeah..ever felt like it??
I mean..why do you wanna leave this temporary heaven and go on searching for touble??..clearly its not something you want to do if you want to stand high with the winers..and show off to the world..that you are someone..
But maybe.. life is not about winning all the time.. its not about having everything you want.. and its certainly not about the designer clothes you wear..
and sometimes.. you just got to get some fresh air.. away from all this nonsense.. away from this madness.. and everything that is fake.. something that you clearly know is not right but you still do it.. and thats how the world goes.. you wanna fit gotta do it!!..
Maybe all life is offering you are stand out and all circumstances.. taking chances is what makes you lose the grip and break this chain.. dare to be matter how foolish it seems..or how they treat you.. be who HE wants you to be.. light of the world..salt of the earth.. the one who carries heaven in your heart..and wants others to have it as well.. the one who perseveres and doesn not only 'get on' with life..but make the best out of it..
Clearly.. I'm not a winner.. that doesn't mean..I'm a loser either.. Maybe I'm a fighter.. lol.. no..not the one with a gun or wings.. but the one who has faith..=)
I got no idea what I'm trying to say..but yeah..thats bout it..=)
Good nite and god bless..

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