It's just too good to be true..again.. both yesterday and today..
Yesterday was rather unusual..ok.. special..
Today was unexpected..and special as well..
Yesterday is to be cherished..
Today is to be shared..hehe..
Thats what I'll do..
Do you know..cutting the palms for over 3000 people is really not that easy when you decide to wear just a 3 quarter pants with flip flops and bare hands?? Seriously its not..every single second I was like.."OUCH here..OUCH there.." ..and I when cut my fingers with the scissors twice..I finally found the perfect reason why my mom doesn't allow me near the kitchen!!..SHEESH!!..I But it is fun when you have people like Chris, Alma, Ana, Andrea, Mary Pat, Alvin and Abner around.. Crazy I tell you.. every time one person opens their'll take ages for us to STOP LAUGHING!!... we were singing as well.. emo songs.. not-so-emo songs.. love songs..=D.. hindi songs..hehe.. out of tune..of course.. but we didn't really care..just bantai
Then for was the first day I'm commentating..replacing my dearest sis who is currently now living in the jungle..=).. I didnt want to.. but they needed a youth..and since my sis asked so sweetly..I just didn't have the heart to say NO.. so yeah. and you know.. when your unprepared..and nervous till your veins start cracking..that's exactly when they'll come and compliment you.. "good job!!".."thumbs up..".."keep it up.." ..but when your really prepared..and confident.. there's where you screw things up!..sigh..
I wasn't able to follow my UCSI BESTIES for UCSI's earth hour..instead after mass..I was at home.. lighting a candle on top of the piano..and started playing..hehe.. so much so.. that I didnt wanna stop.. on and on..till mom started shouting.."JUANNN!!..YOUR DINNER IS GETTING COLD.. HURRY UP AND DONT HURT THE PIANO!!" ...hurt???...excuse me.. my skills are master piece ok.. lol..aite.. that was a pure lie.. I can't play for nuts..i just enjoy playing.. wished I had the talent though..hmmmm
That was pretty much about today..tomorrow is another big day..
Yesterday.. I said its too be cherished.. it might happen again..or might not.. not in my hands.. but I enjoyed it!!..=)
I shall leave before I spare out anymore unnecessary
Good nite!!

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