more song..
"Can you feel this magic in the must have been the way you kissed me.. fell in love when I saw you standing there.. It must have been that way.. today was a fairy tale!!"
hehehehe..and was a fairy tale!! guys or anything..its SHOPPING!!!..weeeeeeeee!!..Sogo was on giler-giler!!..seriously..i suggest you girls to go there.. got 2 pairs of 'lady like' jeans...for RM 100!!..half the price wei!!...and a shoe!!..weeeeee!!..I loved it sooo much!!..its actually a wedges!!..for about RM 60!!.. and its ERICA!!...well I hate walking in to make me look taller..WEDGES!!..the best solution!!..LOL...hmmm..sorry sorry..I know this stuff aint really important..but it was really like a fairy tale!!..XD... Thank you Lord for making a girl!!..hehhehee...
I was thinking of getting a hair cut.. But I never really exactly had a long hair.. fact..this is one of the longest!!.. and its kinda look at the mirror..and pretend your advertising for or when the wind blows..and gently caress the sometimes..its really irritating have your face..covered with your hair..and when its tooo hot..and you begin to sweat!!..and you wish you were BALD!!..
Basically its not that easy being a girl...i most of the'll be in dilemma.. on which clothes are better..or which color to choose.. heels or flats??..and nail nails are PINK AND BLUE!!..I decided that I should just go all out.. crazy, weird and random!!.. n..despite all the assignment hassle..the nails..have to be polished!! is a must too!!..
hmmm...sometimes I wonder.. does a guy have the feeling to look good as well??.. I mean yeah..I've seen..all those baggy jeans..with the checkard underwear..hehehe..well it kinda caught my eyes!!..coincidentally..with the perfect hair that never matter how strong the wind the shoes..that is as high as a ladies pumps!!..LOL..
But I've also seen..the 3 quarter pants..with a really old t-shirt..and slippers.. messed up hair..together with the look.."you gotta a problem with me??"..hehehehe
Beyonce's.."If I were a boy"..didnt really show a good impression on guys... but yeah..till i find someone who proves her song wrong.. perhaps I'll change mine as well..hehe
K lar..I have to give away..350 ml of my blood tomorow!!..heheeh..c ya!!

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