And this time I really mean it.. sigh.. I'm back to emo-ing..sheesh..I hate it when this happen!! but might have to bring your own bed for now.. My sis insist on sleeping with me..hehehe.. yea rite *like that's gonna happen*.. lol.. nolar her room is just tooooo warm!!..she doesnt have much choices..hehe
Anyway, I have a huge assignment due tomorrow..might be presenting as well..and formal cloths are really not my type.. So not comfortable with heels, skirts and collared shirts!!.. sigh..hmm I think maybe I should be born as a guy..yes a I mean you don't have to worry bout what to wear..or how to do your hair.. what shoe to wear.. course when your a guy, you don't really have much choices..hehehe..I mean no offense.. but don't you think that things are a lot easier when your choices are narrowed down??..and besides at least I KNOW what a guy is suppose to the right time... unlike some.. seriously..I got no more words.. *siapa makan cili, dia rasa pedas*..
I tempted to post beyonce's "if i were a boy'' last chorus here..hehe
You don't listen to her..
You don't care how it hurts..
Until you lose the one you wanted..
'Cause you're taking her for granted..
And everything you had got destroyed..
But you're just a boy..
But then again..maybe being a so much better!!.. course you're not just a woman.. YOU'RE A WOMAN!!..the word "just" somehow makes a big difference.. you're not just any kinda woman.. you're unique!!..=) ok ok..the same concept can be applied to should!!..
anyway..I better stop crapping and cont with my assignment!!..
p/s ..I'm not sexist!!..just..haiz.. some people are just..just ..sooooo ish!!.. i give up!!

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