Hmmmm... and its a Saturday.. all the weddings and movies..and dates!! ..S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y!!! ....bllluueekk!! ..
So the extra time to blog.. and well I have another 10 mins before class starts.. And after that I have a movie date with stal and cynta!! ..weeeeeeeee!! finally la.. and one more thing.. Crystal is going to KAMPAR! ..shheeeshh.. Cynta going back to SP! ..and I'm here alone.. hmm.. why wasn't I destined to go some where far too.. like away from home.. At least I get to meet people, be independent, learn life, find love.. rather than being stuck in Kajang.. I mean, Kajang is like probably the best part of the world you can ever be.. but sometimes..too much of KAJANG can drive you crazy.. Ok I don't know what am I saying..
And I think I should go's gonna take me like 600 minutes to get to my class.. lol..have you ever been to UCSI? .. trust me, it is 600 minutes! ..Go up the mountain, find your class, walk through the crowd.. check out some people.. look at the mirror.. 600 minutes people!
Yikes, there comes the crapping!..Alrite! my time is up..

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