Today..hmm.. today was rather normal.. As usual, my name was the centre of attention.. Mr Ken was with his stand as usual.."Juan is A GUY's Name" I don't blame him though.. the name is such.. hmmm..and Mr Philip was wondering if I am "drinkable" ..or but I kinda love the lectures for this sem..=)
And I'm taking this subject called "Intro to IT" ..guess what was our first to create a blog in WORDPRESS?!! ..and start posting! ..I was like, "are you serious,??!!" ..hehe so yesh, here's my other blog..
What else??! ..Had some girl to girl with the girls.. and this is what I learned.. that whatever you do, always protect your heart.. and that do not give anyone the authority to break it..
So I looked at my fingers..and the spaces in between..wondering why is it still empty. hehehe.. And yeah, guys can be so weird, like one minute, they make you feel on top of the mountain..the next, they pretend you don't exist! ..Like a kit-kat, now you see, now you don't..;p ;p..
Co-incidently..i came across this..from tumblr..
Who wants the perfect guy?
Not me. I don’t want anyone perfect. I don’t want anyone normal, thats just boring. I want someone weird. I want someone unpredictable. I want someone who lets things slide and who loves to laugh and makes me laugh. I want someone who will be crazy about me, and isn’t afraid to let everyone know it. I want him to be able to tell me to shut the hell up when I am bugging him. I want someone who challenges me, in every way. I want someone who puts up with my shit, but isnt a pushover. I want someone who pisses me off, but I can never be mad at. But perfect? That’s one thing I never want. Maybe just perfect for me.
Lol, thats like sooo perfect! ..hehhehe;p ;p...
Well anyway my sister told this to the English Youth Committee when we had our Christmas.. "My sister, Juan lives in another world. She waits for her knight in shinning armour!" ..hahahahahahah.. Oh yes, and I do and I admit it! because deep down, everybody is awaiting someone..some where.. but then they fail to realize, people come, people go.. but Jesus is the one man who never left his girl! Amen!

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