hehehe...a very funny thing happen today.. like seriously..hmm where shall I start.. erm alrite, since the Kancil is left all alone at home like an orphan, I'm kinda in charge of it..hehe so every morning I'll drive it to KTM, park it there.. and after class, bring it back..
So today I reached kajang at about 4.30pm.. and decided to wait for my mom.. which will be like another hour.. or else poor mom have to take the bus back home..hmm So there was I, all alone in the car, under the hot sun.. pondering about how extraordinary life could get..like something that seemed so perfect be so very wrong?? ..sighhh..and of cause, all the emo-songs started playing....
Anyway let's leave my depressed, exciting life aside first.. And then after a few minutes my eye lids was getting heavier and soo i fell asleep..hoping to get my intoxicating kiss from the so-called prince charming on his white horse...hehehe ;p to get the gist of what it feels like to be "sleeping beauty" ...heheh ;p ;p ... I couldn't be bothered about all those who peaked into my car wondering "did she pass out or something??" ....lol..
Anyway when my mom arrived, I was so happy that I my heart leaped for joy.. Couldn't wait to get back home and jump on my dear bed, cover myself beneath the blanket and warm the sheets.. have been missing it all day long!! ..And of cause God chose the right moment to shower his love upon me..cause at that exact moment, the dear kancil..decided to NOT START!! ..sigh..
Quickly called my dad, he asked to wait for 30 mins and then start again..and I was like, "You're kidding right.." ..but of cause, whatever I wished never came true..so yeah..there was I again.. thank God mom was there..or else, sighhh.. there might be another emo post for today..hehehe.. and so we were caught with some mother, daughter conversation.. and goodness my mom is naughty k! ..Like really naughty...you dont wanna know the things she does to annoy my dad! ..hehehe ;p
Anyway, mom thought she was wasting her time there..hence she took the bus home to cook dinner..and asked me to wait till my dad comes to get the car started..which was like another 30 mins.. and yeap the clock showed 6.30pm.. and there goes my 2 hours..just like that.. hmmm
So dad arrived..and nope, the car was soooo stubborn! It still didnt start! ..So I waited with him..for another 15 mins...till he told me to take the bus and go home.. And so I waited for the bus for another 15 mins.. and the moment I saw the bus..it was like seeing heaven on earth!! ..Alleluaia!! ..
The time is now exactly 7am.. poor dad was still in the car.. So I got in the bus..the moment I handed my 1 buck to the bus driver.. my phone started ringing.. it said, "Juan, the car can start already, come down the bus!! Hurrry!!" ...It was my dad, and those were his exact words!.. I was stunt!! ...Partially amazed, partially frustrated!!.. So I told my dad, "I paid the bus driver already.. if I ask back for my RM1..and get down the bus, he'll probably stick my face all over town saying "WANTED!! She's insane!!" ..Ok I didnt really say that..but I knew that would happen if I did get down the bus!
On the bus, I laughed.. I laughed literally.. Couldn't stop laughing.. Laughed and laughed. And this is not a joke! ..I mean what are the odds right... that the car would start exactly the moment I paid the bus driver.. exactly after 2 1/2 hours of waiting.. exactly after my sleep went away.. exactly after I bonded with my mom.. hmm.. like seriously.. I mean..like wooowwww??! How??! How come?? It just didnt make sense! hmm...I was soooo amazed I couldn't stop laughing.. I didnt know was I suppose to feel angry..but I was just filled with laughter at that moment..
I just looked up the sky.. and kept on laughing, silently saying, "Lord, You're funny. Really funny!!..thank you for this amazing feeling.."
I didnt know why..or how... but well I think He was trying to tell me, "Take it easy my child..find some time for laughter and smiles.. they are the ones that will keep you going.."

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