EXHAAUUSSTEDD!! .. like seriously.. I don't know how am I able to even post something.. But I got to say something! ..
"I know that it may sound more than a little..crazy but I believe... I knew I loved you before I met you.. I think I dreamed you into life.."
Lol.. sorry, sorry.. the playlist is full with lovey-dovey songs.. and nope I'm not gonna say a word..hehe
Well, anyway, the truth is hehehe.. oklar..I'll be away this weekend. Nope, not johore, since I'm always cabut-ing there whenever I have the chance.. but well, this time its in Malacca!! ..For my true love awaits me there!! ..weeeeeeeeee!! ..lol.. Yes you read that correctly.. its "T-R-U-E L-O-V-E" ..hehehe..damm cekap rite?? lol
But, even if heaven freezes over hell..we all know thats impossible. LOL.. yes, I'll be in Malacca, not because of my so-called true love, but because I'm on an assignment trip! ..uh huh, my assignment includes travelling! Oh yeap, I love my course too! ..We get to go away with your team mates on a trip!! XD
We'll be leaving this Friday, and be back on Sunday.. so yeah..the dear blog will be a bit sad without me, so please do visit him all the time k? ..;p
And for the more serious part..sometimes I wonder:
- Why is "holding on" ..harder than "letting go" ..?? .. hmm disagree? ..try holding a full water bottle..and letting go.. you will get what I;m trying to say..=)
- How you know when one is telling the truth..?
- So if it breaks every single wall you built and rule you wrote.. what do you do?
- Why do I feel like I'm the only human in this world.. who thinks that everything is wrong with "LOVE" that the world portray nowadays?
- hmm.. why is it always the one who has got no what so ever intention towards others..that ends up with the word "MESSED" and "COMPLICATED" ...
- What do you do.. when theres nothing else you can do?
- And its the heart versus the head again.. =(
Sighh.. I think I should just follow my stomach this time. HMM..chocolates, where are you, when I need you, now?!!
Note to self:
Juan Margrita, what in the world were you thinking?? ... You actually thought that its... grrrr.. nevermind! ..I reminded you. But you never even bothered. And not here you go again! ..When are you going to learn?? sigh,,, Poor child!
OHH..and this was written when she was completely delusional and exhausted. No questions should be asked. Thank you!

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