Gosh.. my mom needs a break. Seriously.. sigh.. She should give herself some break and give us some break too! hehe
Anyway like I said, no more long emo-posts..So here's some random facts about life..=)
- Your alarm decided to not ring..you miss the train but somehow you made it for class..10 minutes earlier than the usual time..=)
- You park your car at the end of the road..and walk all the way to the station..but then you see there's more parking space in the front.. and you say to yourself.. "Yikes! I better come to the front next time.." ..So the next day, you semangtly drive your striking orange Kancil to the front..and daannggg.. "every parking space is filled!!" ...grrr.. and the next day, you park at the end again.. and yeap, there's a lot of empty spaces in front.. =)
- You decided to "dress" up like a girl to uni today...with skirts and heels.. and well, you then accidently stepped on a pool of muddy water..=)
- Oh..and one more thing.. You wear your typical teen look, with a baggy shirt and a faded jeans, with your hair tied up in a horse tail, with an unpowdered, oily face and with a dry lips.. and well of all days..you bump into a hawwtt guy!! ..=)
- You're running late for class.. and well so does KTM and every other public transportation..it gets delayed let's say about 30 mins??! But when you're super duper early.. everything else is on time.. hmm.. =)
- You're extremely happy cause you arrived early for class, at last..and all energetic to learn about the boring-est subject ever existed, Written Discourse..and guess what?? ..Class cancelled!! ..=)
- You decided to leave your umbrella behind..cause your bag is a lil too heavy.. and well it rains like it never rained before! ..=)
- You're sooooo semangat to blog about something important..and just one single message from someone.. leaves your mind blank..and your heart restless..
Weird huh? ..The journey life brings us.. Weirds things happen at weird times.. Unexpected things happen and unexpected times.. Yet thats what makes life so beautiful. Not knowing what will happen when.. Or who will you meet... Keeps you waiting and hoping ..walllaaaa.. SURPRISE!! ..hehe.. Its all a mystery.. The best part of life is that..everything, EVERYTHING happens for a reason... Once you choose to believe it, then will you appreciate and unravel life's mysterious journey..=)
Oh oh before I leave..I use to be quite a fan of Avril Lavigne.. lol.. yes I can't believe it either. And yes, her songs are more on the emo side.. like this..hehehe
Sometimes I get so weird..
I even freak myself out..
I laugh myself to sleep..
It's my lullaby..
Sometimes I drive so fast..
Just to feel the danger..
I wanna scream
It makes me feel alive
Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please
I even freak myself out..
I laugh myself to sleep..
It's my lullaby..
Sometimes I drive so fast..
Just to feel the danger..
I wanna scream
It makes me feel alive
Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

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