So lets KISS today!! ..hehehe..chill chill, my "kiss" is way to priceless to posted here! ..hehehe it means "Keep it short and sweet..!!" ..;p ;p or in US they say "Keep it short, stupid!!" ..hhehe
So let's talk about something we all have so-many-questions about..hehe..yeap that one miserable, complicated, interesting species called boys.. hmm, yes its gonna be a bit biased.. but well don't leave yet.. you might actually agree with me on this..
And this is coming from my very own observation. Not to pint-point at anyone. Not to justify their actions. Not to prove that I'm right. No..this is merely, from the point of a girl who's trying to understand this species called "guys"
- Honestly, sweet talking is cheap. Like real cheap!! ..I mean come on.. what are you trying to prove? That you have the most gf's around?? Or are you simply trying to get under the sheaths with her?? ..hmm.. Seriously, sweet talking is cheap. Grow up please.. be a man..=)
- So what is this nonsense about proposing through MSN or SMS?? ..So you like her..and don't you think she's worth much more than just a sentence through the phone? Yes, I'm talking about taking her out, looking into her eyes,holding her hand..and there..aint that sweet!! ...=))) ..The worst she would say is no...which is surely her lost, for I don't see guys like this nowadays.. hmmm..
- Again, what is the hurry about being in a relationship??!! you just met her 2 days ago, and yes you have butterflies in your stomach.. but honestly, butterflies doesnt really last long..hmm.. once there is a storm, they die off.. So it takes time for the butterflies to build some shade.. to protect themselves and be strong!! ...It takes time.. seriously. If you want now and forever, till death do us apart, it takes time..=)
- Hmm, this might be common.. One minute they're all over you..and the next ..puuff!! ..they disappear.. like a kit you see, now you don't.. and then they leave the girls wondering.. oh yeap.. its the girls fault I should say.. because the rule is, don't get attached too fast! ..=) ..but well why keep the girl falling for you, when you don't intend to catch her? ..=)
- So if she's your girlfriend, what gives you the right to tell her who her friends should be? or what she should wear..or not?? .. She doesn't really need second parents, you know. One is good enough! ... because love comes with trust. Without trust, love goes down the drain..=)
- If you really like her.. you will wait.. If she's worth the wait, you will.. And if she likes you me, she will make it worth it..
So the moral of the story is... just be who you are.. and let love lead the way. If its meant to be. It will. Or else.. something better is on the way! ..

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