Why was I angry? Let's leave that aside. Who was I angry with?.. Let's leave that aside too. Was it alright for me to be angry? ..I don't know. But if you knew me at all, I'm the type who can control my anger and I don't get angry that fast. So what did I do when I got angry, out of the blues?? The feeling was too much. I could feel my chest almost bursting together with the blood, bones, flesh and muscles. But of cause, that only happens in my dream..in stead the "bursting" part came out in tears. I cried on the mini bus, on the train and on UCSI Shuttle. Yes, I tried to control it. Even try to no blink my eyes but it only made it even worse. I was like a leaking water balloon! A few people were sneaking a sneak preview when I wiped my noes with the tissue. It was kinda embarrassing..but thank goodness the hair was kinda long..and I could cover half of my face. hmmm
I didn't know why was I angry.. but I knew I was missing out something so very unusual. I was running late for class..like really late and coincidently, my play list played the song, "Mighty to save" by Hillsong ...It said,
"Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is mighty to save..
He is mighty to save.."
And a line appeared on my mind.. "If He can move mountains, why can't He bring you on time for class??" ...
And then I realized though I waited 60 minutes for the mini bus..and missed my usual 9.42am train.. The next train came exactly on time..and it wasn't even a minute late.. Surprisingly, KTM had been very kind to me these pass few days.. And the moment I reached BTS station, UCSI shuttle was right in front of me.. and I was 10 minutes early for my class!! ...
I was amazed.. and I felt this weird calmness in me. It conquered my whole anger..and I begin to smile, thinking how foolish was I to put everything else first, including my anger.. but He seemed to be last person on my mind. He seemed to be the last person, I surrender too.. the last person I ask for help.. the last person I run too..
And the second verse of this song hit me too..
So take me as you find me..
All my fears and failure
Fill my life again..
I give my life to follow..
Everything I believe in.
Now I surrender..
Weird how God works huh? ..He puts you in such a situation..to the edge of everything you have.. He tests you to the max! ..Giving up and start doubting.. And then He lets to smile again, like nothing ever happen!..
Lord, you amazed me, every single day!

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