The day where the sun stopped shinning and darkness covered the whole earth..
The day where there's no way I could get up after the sun-rises..
The day where I had to abandon my CITY in Facebook till its late night again..
The day where I'll start cursing KTM all over again..
The day where I have to wait forever for the MINI BUS and UCSI's SHUTTLE..
The day where I wished I could actually stay awake for at least ONE lecture..;p
The day where I'll complaining non-stop about assignments, assignments and ASSIGNMENTS! ..
The day where well...I get back to college..sigh..
And on the other hand..
The day where I actually have SOMETHING to do..
The day where I get to meet some AWESOME people!
The day where..I most probably get to loose some weight..
The day where I gain experience..
The day where I learn what life is about..
The day which wouldn't happen again..ever..
The day which I dread.. but hopes for the best!
Lol..sorry for the drama.. but well, yes I do realize this blog is dying.. and that I needed to do something about it..hence the tiny drama about 3rd of Jan!! And yes its just I'VE BEEN REALLY EXTREMELY BUZY! Jokes aside!! ..barely have time to rest!! ..grrr.. but well I do have some stories.. which I hope to jot it down here sometime soon!!
Meanwhile, Lord, I leave my tomorrow unto thy Hands! ..Amen!
And just for the record this is my 548TH post! ..hehehe

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