Weird. Yes I probably mentioned this word like about 2000 times already in this blog, but that's how I'm feeling.. weird.. Really, I don't understand how this world works anymore. Everything is just so plain weird. Like really weird.
Everything is like so damm fast. Yes, time waits for no one. But the world is going in an unimaginable speed. Especially technology. You barely have time to breathe or say hello to each other because everyone is so caught up in their own world.
But then again, like what's the point of swallowing immediately the delicious chocolate indulgence when you cant savour the taste?.. What's the point of getting great results, when you actually cheated to get the results? .. hmm.. I don't know how else to explain it. Its like skipping a whole step. I mean nothing wrong in getting a short cut, but you want to make it worth, right?..Like all the struggle is finally paid off. Like you want to look at something and say, "Wow, I work hard for it!!" .. Like its worth the wait..
And the "udang" di sebalik "batu" is well about relationships.. hehehe.. I found this in tumblr that says, "don't fall in love when your lonely, fall in love when you're ready.." ..Which I totally agree.. Because if you want to be with someone, only because they're there..and they whisper words you needed to hear badly.. then its not call "love".. Nope, its far from love. I'm not really sure what love is.. but I'm pretty clear of what "using" is..
Seriously, if you want it to work out with that very person.. take your time then.. Get to know that person. Laugh, cry, hug, smile, get mad, get crazy together. Because before the love is visible, the friendship must be built. Like in the Jason Mraz song.. LUCKY..."I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend" .. And to fall in love with your very best friend, is something very beautiful.. because no one knows you better than your best friend, himself. =)
God has his own ways of making things possible. One thing's for sure, He knows what's best.. He knows what's right. He knows you, He knows what you want. And if you say a little prayer each day.. trust me, we all can create miracle! If its meant to be.. it will.. or else.. He has something better for you in story!
Don't loose faith.. =)
For He did not promise that life would be easy..but He did promise to be with you in every step you take!

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