hehehe.. translated.."its very nice to see you reading my blog today" ...=) and its monday!!.. don't you just haaattee mondays???
Surprisingly, I learned something important today in study skills class for the first time ever.. it may sound lame.. but really.. it opened my eyes..
When you read.. these questions are very important..
Which can really really help..in deciding whether what you read is true or not.. take the STAR paper for example.. which journalist wrote it?... why did she write in such manner..?? ...it is really for the people or the government..??
Moral of the story.. Don't believe whatever you read.. including mine..=) .. and of cause..minus the part where I crap a lot..I do have a purpose for writing every single post..=) and till now.. No one dared to ask.. for whom are my so-called poems meant for..=))
Well anyway.. I have a big problem!! ..I NEED A FREAKING CAMERA!!! ..=(( Mine is no more of use already.. I need to get at least a B for my basic photography in order to keep my CGPA constant!!.. ssiigghhh... anyone with a kind soul out there willing to lend me one??.. despite my careless-ness, I promise I'll take good care of it.. though that wasnt a plus point.. but really I'll guard it with my life if I have too..=') *A crying smile* ...
I have an event in mind..to create a story.. now if only I had a camera..and permission from my parents.. with God's grace of cause... a miracle can be created!!
Before that..did I mention I totally absolutely haattee mondays??!!.. ssiigghh..
and and..Well done SPAIN!!! ...you made your fans proud!!.. Good job to the Dutchs too.. for giving them a good fight.. but wow.. they were literally wacking each other la k!!..heheheh..
and thats it for my lame post.. I have a class in 10 mins.. and it takes me about 15 mins to get up the stairs.. why do they love bulding universities on the hills??..issh.. well look at the brighter sight..I get to burn some callories!!.. ;p ;p
lOl.. I'm done crapping!!
you have a nice day k??

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