- Talked to Sukbir about some stuff.. though it wasn't completed.. manage to clear my mind a bit!!.. =)
- Had a good laugh in psychology class with Yamunah and Shangery!!.. They were hysterical when they saw my goosebumps!!.. lol..its not my fault, I'm extremely sensitive to low temperature!!..
- Had a fruitful lunch talking about our childhood memories with sheena, sam and kabi!!.. Laughed a lil bit too much to.. when we found out that all of us experienced the same thing!!..hehe
- Watched half of "state of play"... quite interesting.. but I tersleep off.. thanks to last night's game..=((
- Missed the usual train.. took the next train.. Wasn't able to enter the ladies coach.. Caught two hindi guys giving a cock stare at me..saying.."ladkhi acha khoobsurat" ...messaged pinky for the meaning.. she says.."CANTIK!!!" ..I floated in the air for a while.. at least someone finds my pale face and wild hair attractive..hehe.. Came back down to earth.. Took the bus back home..
- Suppose to study for wednesdays mid term.. but was buzy bonding with the sister..
- Blogged for the second time!!..ish.. this is bad.. I blogged a lil too much when I'm out of my mind..=(((
Thing I havent done yet..
- Study..
- Photography still hanging..
- Journalism editing badly needed..since I'm the so-called "editor in chief" ..;p ;p
- Psychology assignment..
- Practice singing for granny's party..=((((( *I'm dead you know!!*
- Sleep..
- Get you out of my mind..
Good..I manage to balance up things-to-do and things-done!!.. lol..
K thats it!!..
Good nite!!

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