I just wanna say this post is going to be a total waste!! ..cause I'm not in the mood to blog.. I'm having that "something is wrong somewhere kinda feeling" .. or maybe I didn't blog yesterday.. so thats why I'm feeling..or or..maybe I'm going to blog..hence the feeling intrudes..=(( and no..I'm not crapping.. I'm just expressing my feeling..
Whatever is it...I dislike it!..=(
So how has your day been? As bad as mine?.. or did you just have the most perfect day of your life??.. Mine is obviously out of the question..=(.. until Pinky and Yamunah started wondering..and even tried sleeping..like how I slept..in photography class today.. of cause they failed!! hehehe..I was very much amazed..cause apparently, only I had that special "talent" ..hehe..and somehow that small square foldable table seems so comfortable the moment I lay my head on it..=) and excuse me.. I only slept at 3 and got up at 5!! ... what you expect?? Though its completely my fault for doing things last minute.. still at least there is one thing I'm good at.. sleeping..=))
And did I mention..I almost *God-forbid* ..lost my hp again yesterday!! ...ssiigghh.. and yes you've never..and never will find someone as careless as me..=( ..Shanti, my cousin and I took the cab back home from the station.. and I left my hp in the taxi!! ...When I realized my hp wasnt with me..I ran after it like a mad girl.. till this old indian guy on his bike dared enough to ask.."why are you running" ...I was so frustrated I wanted to yell.."When is the last you looked at the mirror??!!" ...ok.. I just made that up... but really.. I just gave him a cock stare.. and made my way to the taxi.. and my heart felt into pieces when the taxi fellow said.."it aint here" ...I swear I wanted to burst.. =(..can't my life get anymore harder?? ... then the most beautiful thing happen!!..My cousin kept it for me!..phheww.. PTL!! .. and I realize life can bring you down many many times.. and at that moment..where you feel totally and completely helpless..just breathe in.."Jesus, Help me!!" ..and there..everything falls back in place..=)
OMG..I forgot the most important news..did i mention that I have a job???...weeeeeeeee! ...Ok not really..but she took down my number!!..A job to teach english for secondary students..in this centre.. and its part time..every weekend!!..wow.. I couldn't believe my ears k!..like getting gold from heaven!!.. Earning extra compared to what my parents give me a month..is so sooooo heheh..AWESOME!!..
Ok, so I warned you..this post is a total waste..

Ok, so I warned you..this post is a total waste..

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