Tuesday, July 20, 2010


"When you're not around I'm feeling..like a piece of me is missing.. Somehow I find the faith to make it through.. when I'm with you.."

Ok so I dislike hearing my voice.. or even talking to others!!..ishh.. till when am I gonna be like this..=(( yikesss..!!

Well..its a Tuesday.. Did I mention that I hate Tuesdays?? ..lol.. no?? ...Yes I hate Mondays and Tuesdays..!! And most heart-heartbreakingly.. the connection in UCSI sucks big time!!.. really..its slower than a tortoise!!..ish..

Sigghh.. so what am I to blog about??.. assignments??.. nahhhh.. Surprisingly, I'm almost done.. I repeat..A-L-M-O-S-T.. or maybe about how D-E-P-R-E-S-S-I-N-G my life is.. or or..about R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P-S maybe??.. errr..nahhh... sorry, I want to make my blog more interesting by adding the "-" hehehe..ok lame-o!!!

Lets talk about something new.. about ME!! ..hehehe.. yeah big time new..

well, really there is some stuffs..that you dont know about me.. Like this..
  • I am very very extremely sensitive.. *ask my sis~~* ... she can tell you 10001 stories..
  • I can get hurt damm easily..But really..I wouldn't be mad at you.. I wouldn't ask you why.. I would accept it as it is.. I don't know why..=( maybe because..I believe there is a reason why..
  • I love to argue.. I love it when I have someone to argue with..
  • I love hearing too.. hearing how was your day with that "cute" guy!! or.. the most embarrassing thing you ever did..
  • I love crapping.. and yes.. I love it when you crap too!..
  • I talk in between the lines too.. its up to you..how you're going to read it..;p ;p
  • One thing I can't tolerate..are lies.. I think everyone..can't tolerate this..
  • I can't get along with "SHOW-OFFS" ...
Ok..actually got a lot more.. but Sam is here already.. we have a "date" in secret recipe.. todays lunch is pure, chocolate cream cake!!.. who cares bout the pounds I might put on.. Food comes first!!..=))

and have a nice day!!

1 comment:

  1. haha so cool this - "." hehehehe.

    i like your signaturee! : )
