Too busy already..
Remember the uncle I told you about??..Uncle John Chew.. He passed away Friday night..So every night was there for the prayers.. plus attended PPA.. which was ok lar.. Luckily they had it separately for the youths.. or else I would be snoring through out..hehe..=p.. and then attended had a deepavali gathering.. Today attended the uncle's funeral..
You know which part I dislike the most in FUNERALS??..the EULOGY part.. its either it has no effect..or HAS A HUGE IMPACT!! Cause the moment EVELYN..*his first daughter* ..started.. I was like LEAKING PIPE!! ...tears started flowing down like nobody's business.. so much so..that I do not dare put my head up..I MUST HAVE LOOKED HORRIBLE!!.. with my "over-fluid" running nose..and wet face..almost sobbing.. I was wearing my white pants..and you can see a huge patch of soaked water there..*looked as if I pee-ed* ..ok not that bad..but something like that..hehe..
It's like.."you don't miss the water till the well runs dry.." don't realize the value of a person till they are ACTUALLY gone!!.. what she said was sooooo true.. He's one of the old timer who actually know MY NAME!! ..and not just as.."gabriel's daughter" most of them.. he NEVER gotten angry..never heard him talking bad about anyone.. present for every meeting.. and sharing..not matter how bored they are.. caroling was the best..!! he was the one..who made us laugh like crazy.. sigh..
You know what's one of the GREATEST thing being A CHRISTIAN??..its that although.."you are dead" ...YOU STILL LIVE IN CHRIST..for it is only THROUGH Him..we have SALVATION!! ..and HE Died for that we MAY HAVE in ABUNDANCE!! ..amazing huh?? know they are SAFE in Gods hands!!..besides..every single one of us are BLESSED!! .."Blessed" the title given to ONE ..before they become a SAINT..for in John20:29 ..HE says.."BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SEEN..AND YET BELIEVE!!" ..How precious are you IN GOD'S eyes..for believing in HIM..though we HAVENT really seen HIM literally!! for not doubting in HIm..but TRUSTing in HIM ..that in everything HE DOES,,all HE WANTS IS YOU!!..
..sadly some people still don't get it..that when one dies..they have gone to be with Christ!!..the one place..I would rather be..than on earth.. and you know..I think the faster one dies..the better..because the less suffering will he or she endures..for he or she committed less SINS!! ..
well anyway..after mass..for the final hymn..they sang.."sweet bye and bye" of my favorites..but i couldn't tears flowed down my eyes still..but one thing I HOLD ON TO.."we shall meet on the beautiful shore"..=)
i had to rush back to college..I dislike MONDAYS!!..only have one MISERABLE CLASS..from 1-3pm!..yikess.. anyway.. suddenly Father George..pointed at me, my sis and john gomez.."I want to meet all 3 of you my office!!" got called into principle's office only.. I remember the fist time i entered Father's office was for my confirmation interview..with Fr julian..and then for my application for Assunta Hospital..*long story* ..sigh.. and then now..
firstly father commented.."good job on your cantoring yesterday and reading today.." ..very clear..and i was like..he actually knew it was ME?? ..anyway..ALL PRAISE AND HONOUR GOES TO HIM UP THERE..!! ...He gave me these gifts..its only wise..if I use them FOR his GLORY!!
and then he was asking us to recruit member to attend LOVE & LIFE THIS YEAR!! ..since i already i cant attend yeah..anyone interested..can let me know..=)
actually got a lot more stories la..but dont wanna bore you...have to take leave now..
take care..and god bless..

u shud consider goin into ministry... seriusly i mean it..