that i dont really crap..hehe..*YESSS I MEAN IT!! whatever I say make sense to me..though it may seem a little odd to you..but it make sense to me.. I like writing in a way that has double you know, where by you have to read between the lines kinda stuff..
Basically what I'm trying to say is that..I dont have the guts to say it out my brains comes up with such WEIRD imagination to picture the things I'm trying to tell you...but you probably wont get what I'm saying..or maybe I want to leave you in"what exactly is she saying??" and so I manipulate your mind and make you think "I'M CRAPPING!!..where, by right..I'M NOT!!.. so if your'll find the pieces and traces I COMPLETE THE PICTURE..!!..
and again you'd probably think NOW.."what in the world is she saying..??"... and i say.. FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF!!..=)
another dumb survey..i dont mind
Are you feeling guilty about anything right now?
* ...nope..the guilt has been washed by HIS blood...=)
When’s the last time you had fast food?
* yesterday!!..the calories increasing...sigh..
Who was the last person you got a text from?
* james...from the camp... didnt bother replying..haizz
Will your next kiss be a mistake?
* depends on what kinda "kiss" you meaning.. if your talking bout babies..NOPE!! ..i'll die to kiss them...=)..
Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you?
* hehe..nope..not at the moment..
Are you excited for winter?
* oh yeahhh!!..unfortunately all we have hotness and sweaty palms..hmm
Have you kissed or hugged anyone today?
* yup yup...BABY JOSIA!!..
Are you disappointed about anything?
* ermmm... yup..
How many cellphones have you had?
* erm...2...=)
Do you believe that there’s good in everybody?
* of cause..
Do you like anyone right now?
* no reason to hate them..=)
Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single?
* so what if I'm taken??.. o
When was the last time you saw someone attractive?
* hahahaah...just a few hours ago...
Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it?
Whats something that happened at 12pm today?
* erm...i returned back the projector and laptop to ict..and forgot to take my id...hehe..
Is there someone you will never forget?
* everyone..=)
What is something you currently want right now?
* hmmmm....i have JESUS..what else could I possible want??=)
What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
* wow..I'm alive still..thank you lord..=)
How many pillows do you sleep with?
* 2 my baby..*bolster* side pillow.. I'm like a baby..hehe..needs lotsa hugging when i;m a
Is life good?
* uh huh...extremely!!
How many people do you 100% trust?
* only God..not even myself..hehe
When was the last time you had a real smile on your face?
* with JOSIA!!..darm cute wei1!
Has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you?
*hehehe..not that i;ve known off...i dont really attract many..
Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
* nope.. when you have Christ in you..the word "hate" doesnt exist..=)
When’s the last time you had a late night phone conversation?
* just a moment ago..with CYN!!
Do you honestly believe that good things happen to those who wait?
* God says..WAIT!!..and you'll have the best!! i'll wait..even if it takes forever..
Do you want to see someone this very minute?
* yeah...all those creature that colored my life..
Do you trust all of your friends?
* only the close ones...
Are you happy with the way things are going?
* it depends on your mind actually... no matter how the things are going..its your decision to make it happy or not..and currently I am!!...though it's pretty bad..hehe
Are you a forgiving person?
* i guess... forgive.. and it'll ease your burden..forgive and you can SMILE..=) or else it's like your taking poison and wishing them to die..
Do you have to check in with your parents before you go someplace?
*of cause...its malaysia dude!!..
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
*uh huh...
Would you like to go back and change any part of your life?
*FOR LIKE THE 20TH time!!..NOPE!!
When will your next kiss be?
*doink!!..if i know..why would i still be sitting here..doing this quiz??..hehe
Where were you at midnight?
* at home la..
Would you hug the last person you hugged again?
* uh huh...i have overflowing love..all of a sudden..hehe
Last person you saw other than your family?
* BEC members..=)
Will tomorrow be better than today?
* yup yup...=)
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you drank?
*sunKISS juice!!
What does your hair look like right now?
* wet..i like it when its wet.hehe
Is there a night you’d like to put on repeat, and live it forever?
* im trying not to read between the then if there was a will be CHRISTMAS!!!..weeeee
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
* jacynta jasmine!!
Name a time you thought you were going to die?
* this my nightmare!!..aarrgghh
Which of your friends lives closest to you?
* nithya...tracy...ana..
If you found out you got someone pregnant, what would you do?
* ...i can do that?? babies!!..i want the baby..=)
What annoys you
* those who uses excessive vulgar words in their conversation
Next vacation you’re going on?
* must be to kluang..where else!!
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
* yeah!!
What was the last thing you ate?
* rice..chicken..vege..
Ever sneak out the house?
* lol..good girl k..
What’s your favorite beverage?
* lime juice..=)
Ever dated a blond-haired, blue-eyed person?
* would loved too!!...awwwhhh
Do you ever lie about your age?
* hahaah...they lie about mine though..they think im 25..yeah i know!!..25!!...ARGHH
Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
* tell me about it...sighh..
What side of the heart do you draw first?
* right..does it matter?
Can you dive without plugging your nose?
* swim a dead fish..wanna dive without plugging my
Word of the day :
* CUTE!!..
What do you want right now?
* errrm...dont know..or maybe i do/
What else do you want?
* what i want also im not sure..this one.."what want"
What color is your phone?
* black!!
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
* tied together with a*dont ask*
Where are you right now?
* rooom sweet room..
How do you feel about carrots?
*hard when not cooked...preferred it boiled..softer..=)
What is something new today?
* hillsongs!!
How many chairs at the dining room table?
* 7..heheeh...i know weird!!
Who is the best Spice Girl?
* erm...emma..sweet voice..=)
Do you know what time it is?
* 12.05 am..
What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
* err..sing?? nahh..i'll call cynta and talk for hours..hehe
Do you like your ice cubed or crushed?
* depends...but i like eating ice though.. hehehe.. unless if its blended then i WANT IT BLENDED LA!!..hehe
Do you use big words that you don’t know the meaning to?
* haahahahahaha...i try not to make that kinda fool of my self..
Do you like to sleep?
* YEAHH..BABY!!..anytime anywhere..
Do you know which US states don’t use Daylight Savings?
* dont know..dont care..hehe
Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?
*uh huh..emo song!!..=)
wow...this is like really long!!..hahahah..whoever manage to read it till the end!!..thanks a lot..i appreciate your patience!!..
take care..god bless

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