JESUS LOVES YOU!!! though you think you're unworthy.. though you feel unwanted.. though you've failed all your life.. though they reject and criticize you.. HE STILL LOVES YOU..AND WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU!!..YOU'RE THE APPLE OF HIS EYE.. YOU'RE THE AIR THAT HE BREATHES..believe it or not!! ...HE ALREADY KNEW YOU..even BEFORE YOU WERE FORMED IN YOUR MOTHER'S WOMB!!!...amazing aint it??..this GOD of ours.. =)
ok..i think I've mentioned that part quite a lot of times..but sometimes people tend forget..hehe..LIKE ME!!..and there's nothing wrong in reminding them over and over again..
I expected the camp to be GREAT!! all the others that I've attended..but there was something different about this camp.. firstly, I was glad i wasn't with my FRIENDS.. you know..the ones I usually hang out with..*initially i was kinda sad..thinking I would be alone and stuff..* But then..I realize.. sometimes.. in life you just have to LET GO EVERYTHING..AND let JESUS take control.. trust me.. you DO THAT!! ..and you've won the most PRECIOUS thing on earth..
I knew there was going to be inner healing..and I knew I badly needed this.. needed to get out of this MESS!! ..needed to MAKE THINGS RIGHT!! ..needed to GET MY LIFE TOGETHER!! ..
and as know..during healing.. I'll cry.. i'll cry out.. It just comes out..and I have no POWER to stop it!! ..and the worst thing..IT FElt SOOOO GOOD!! ..=) ..and this time.. while they were praying over me..I said.."Lord,in case you're wondering.. I still exist.. So if you wanna use me.. this might be right time.." sounded mean right?? I said..sometimes.. when you can hold on's better to let it all out!!.. then..i could feel my feet and knees trembling.. I tried not to fall.. but then..BRENDAN..*tell you about him later* ..sang this line.."LET GO AND LET ME IN!!" yeah..i just fell.. fell in the arms of love.. fell into a world of peace.. fell in love with JESUS all over AGAIN!! ..
Before I continue.. I think for those who have been following my might have known all sh!t i went through.. so yeah..while I was resting in the Spirit..I was conscious..totally..conscious.. I could hear everything.. only thing..I was NUMB!! ..i couldn't move my feet..and hands..even my EYES!! ...Then i asked the Lord.."So what you wanna tell me, Lord??" ..and out of no where.. this sentence appeared in my head..."I WAS WITH YOU THROUGH IT ALL..I AM WITH YOU NOW..AND I WILL BE WITH YOU TILL THE END OF TIME!!!!" ...i couldn't argue after that.. just treasured that heavenly and most extraordinary moment of my life..
And after that..everyone was so excited!! ..I know I was.. cause it was like.. everything has been lifted up from you.. no worries.. even if there were troubles.. it's not our problem..cause HE IS THERE TO take care of it!!
Now Brendan..was a guy i met..during my god sisters 21st bday party.. and He SANG for her bday.. the moment I heard him singing..I just had to stop whatever I was doin.. and searched for that voice.. I could feel my heart beating so fast..for I know..NO MERE HUMAN could have sang..THAT BEAUTIFULLY!!.. no joke.. it was so beautiful that you could hear him sing..FOREVER!! ..and of cause the naughty though came to my mind..hehe.."gosh..his girlfriend is truly blessed!!" ..
And at the camp..I met him again.. the first day.. he sang a song.. the song with the line.."LET GO AND LET ME IN..!!" ..till now..I have no idea..about the title..hmmm.. anyway..I then found out.. THE DUDE IS ENTERING THE SEMINARY!! cool is that??..let me describe him k.. he wears glasses..with pierced ears..spiked up hair..has a tattoo.. dresses up like 3 quarter pants..and sport shoes.. yeah..i was thinking the same thing!!..THAT DUDE??!! A PRIEST!!?? ..oh great..guess i missed my*kidding* ..he's 27 btw..
But seriously..after healing session..we were all staying up..cause it was the last night.. and BRENDAN told his he was inspired to become a priest.. and I WAS LIKE WOW!!! ..He is blessed..truly blessed.. he was like a role model.. and inspired me as well.. in a way.. he left me in confusion though.. about the plans God has for me..
anyway back to my after the chit chat session.. we went back to our domes..and that night.. I prayed.. like I used to..when I was younger.. I couldn't stop talking to Jesus.. I didnt want to.. I found back the bond which I have lost many months ago.. I found back the love of my life.. well..I FOUND BACK MY LIFE!!
In the anther miracle.. just a line..stirred me up!! ..HOLY SPIRIT SET MY LIFE ON FIRE!!"... and I felt it again.."receive the a light unto the world" ..and during testimony time..i went up.. hehe..I always the way.. I mean.."hey!! you experience something tremendous!!..why keep it to yourself??..YOU HAVE THE SPIRIT WITH YOU!! so yeah..BE NOT AFRAID!!" ..just have a little faith..
overall it was amazing..
I remember telling my God once.."Lord, will you please allow me to fall in least once??" *at that time i didnt have anyone*..well..he did allow me.. but was only temporary.. I was always wonderin WHY?? And now I know why.. cause HE WAS SAVING ME UP FOR ALL THIS!! ..for I couldnt be any more in love with HIM than anyone else!! it made me realize..that LIFE ON EARTH IN TEMPORARY..just like the so called.."fallin in love i felt initially"..but LIFE IN HEAVEN..WOW!! unexplainable!! ..and I wouldn't experience all this..if i NEVER WENT THROUGH what i DID!! ..
to be honest..I feel sorry..for those who didnt attend this camp!! ..
starting college tomorow..and I'm excited!!..hehehe..BECAUSE I CARRY THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT IN MY HEART!!..cant wait to show HIM OFF!! ..=)
take care..and JESUS LOVES YOU!!..=)

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