Cause I'm suppose to write about the YOUTH LEADERSHIP CAMP for herald.. but I have no idea how to start.. which brings me back to the core question.. WHY IN THE WORLD DID I CHOOSE JOURNALISM as my career in future??..yikes..
Anyway..there's this guy.. lol.. which I'm beginning to wonder.. why in the world..must there always be a guy??.. why does this species always have to get in my way?? ..and who can't be happy without a guy??.. well.. I, Juan Margrita Gabriel Thomas.. am officially single.. and likes it that way!! ..oh wait..actually there's a guy in my life.. HE'S been there forever.. even knew me before I was born..and has MY NAME.. crafted at palm of HIS hands..even gave up HIS life for me.. the one and only GUY..who will be with me till the end of time.. HE is non-other than guessed it!!..YESUS KRITUS!! ..
So back to my story..hehe.. I met this guy during the camp..and he took down my number.. and ever since then He's been messaging and night.. He even wanted to top-up for me..incase my credit finishes.. but that wont be a I'm still using post-paid.. and when He found out I was travelling daily..he offered to sent me to COLLEGE!! ..and was crapping about buying me a car and should imagine the look on my face now..
There's only one problem!!..I HAVE NO WHAT-SO-EVER INTEREST in him.. I tried my best to make it obvious.. like replying his messages late..or sometimes..just not reply at all.. He even called a few times.. felt really akward..sigh.. How to tell someone..NO!! not hurting them??.. It breaks my break another's heart.. but sigh..
I don't know why..since the camp I attended.. I dont really care how I look..or dress.. My eyes is always locked to this book called.."DEAR ABBA" for I was so engrossed in my book..that I didnt realize my stop..and the bus OVER SHOOT!! ..but THANK GOD!! ..He quickly woke me up just when the bus left my STOP! i only walked about extra 5 minutes.. hehe..I just thanked Him..that I didnt end some UNKNOWN AREA!! ..but even if I did..i know it's all been taken care of..=)
And surprisingly.. no guys caught my attention lately.. it's like.."SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL.." ..not to say that checking out guys is EVIL!!'s just the moment.. the heart is close..for all the lovey dovey stuffs..
So yes Lord..How am I to deal with this problem?? ..I know the feeling of getting rejected.. it hurst..very much.. I wouldn't wanna do it to another..NOOO.. but guess sometimes..I have to break my own rule.. I mean.. when the dude finds out its a hurts even more right??..
Therefore..dear Father.. I leave this matter into your hands.. I leave this particular guy into your hands.. You who created him as your own LIGHT and Image.. Help him be strong and accept whatever plans you have for him..for it's clear..that this guy's NOT ME!! ..
so help him..
by the way..I didnt mention anything about college huh?? I'm taking this subject called SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND "MATHS FOR BUSINESS AND SOCIAL STUDIES" simpler words..its called ADD MATHS!! ..heheeh.. yeah..all those corrupted stuffs..needs to be polished.. But I kinda like maths.. only problem..I KINDA FORGOT ALL!!..hehe.. He said.."DON'T worry MY's all been taken CARE OF!! ..just BE STILL AND KNOW I AM GOD!!" ..
take care..god bless..

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