- It made someone so-call fall in love with me.. erm.. that's not something bad..but when they leave..that's where the question arises..
- It took away my study time..my assignment time..made me stay up late night..
- My family thinks..me blogging is NONSENSE!!
so yeah..they were more cons compared to the pros.. but then this morning..I received an e-mail from someone.. and maybe..just maybe..for once in my lifetime.. i might be doing something I like..that seems RIGHT!! ..impressive huh.. just when you think of giving up on something..or on someone.. something else comes along the way and makes you think TWICE!! ..you think it's coincidence.. nah.. why??..because.. "THE WILL OF GOD WILL NEVER TAKE YOU WHERE THE GRACE OF GOD WILL NEVER PROTECT YOU!!"
what does it mean?? it's pretty simple.. it means.. THOUGH IT DIDN'T GO THE WAY YOU WANTED IT TO..YOU CAN STILL SMILE AND LAUGH!! ..for it's all been taken care off!!..=)
Anyway..this week's sermon caught my mind.. It was about marriage..and divorce.. why is it couple's tend to divorce..and can't see each as before..?? I mean..it was like heaven..before they got married..and after marriage..it should be paradise..they should be more stronger.. but instead they part..
and when asked..how did all all this happen??..easy..they put the blame on GOD!! ..lol.."God doesn't want us to be together..we're just not meant to be..=("
I've attended like..i dont know..close to 50 weddings this year..lol..and after they tie the knot..the priest says.."WHAT GOD HAS UNITED, MAN MUST NOT DIVIDE!" ..so what exactly is my point is that..it's not God who divides..but man himself..you seperate cause you want it that way!!..as simple as that..and there's no such thing..as we're not meant to be..or what-so-ever crap.. you like someone.. go ahead!!..remember THE WILL OF GOD WILL NEVER TAKE YOU WHERE THE GRACE OF GOD WILL NEVER PROTECT YOU!!..he'll never allow you to fall in love..without any reason.. yeah you might get hurt..and stuff..but there'e is a reason..and i think I've found mine..=) .make sense??..hope it does..hehe..pity God huh??..for no reason HE has to take the blame..
anyway gues what??..i got a job!..lol..for 2 weeks..in the church tuition centre..and yeah..we do have a centre..for the kids who can't afford...i was officially employed today..=) ..and i got up at 8.30..hehe..attended a funeral mass at..lol..ok..i dont know why i said..
hmm..take care..have a nice day..=)

im teaching tuition too!! for free!! :)