the first time this sem..I'm blogging from UTARICT!! ..I wanted to blog the other day..but you know..the speed here is extremely fast rite??
anyway..I just finished doing my questions..for my students!!...hehe..what questions??.. the end year examination in sunday class... Believe it or not!!..the last I remember..i dislike sitting for exams..and now..I'M SETTING IT!! hehe..but one thing..I didnt know why I liked doing catechism exam.. not that I always SCORED a high mark.. but just is the only paper.. that I felt worth doin..
Sorry interuption.. someone was stalking me from the back!!'s some junior guy la.. like talking to him.. he like's to hear my opinion on things..=)
anyway..i dont see the point of this post.. perhaps..this morning..i was soooo touch by the song amazing grace(my chains are gone) chris tomlin..that i wanted to express it.. but unfortunately i have to leave..
btw..did i mention i was elected as the NEW CLASS REP?? ..i know wei.. actually i wasnt elected.. all of sudden..they shouted my like..NO WAY!! but ms khoo..said only for on my way to take the laptop and projector.. they somehow sweet talk the lecturer and made me the class rep.. and i didnt even know it!!..
hehe..meaning i have to be early like 10 minutes..and set up the LAPTOP AND PROJECTOR!! ..sigh..buts its a good exposure la..learnt a lot of things..hehe..
and all HFC YOUTH..who attended YOUTH LEADERSHIP CAMP!!...the post is out in herald!!..
gtg..late for class!!
take care and god bless

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