's what I did..
Got up..*though not that early* ..happy to see the sun shinning so brightly.. and not those gloomy SAD mornings..where whenever I dry the clothes...ALL WILL STILL BE DAMP!! ..hehe.. so yeah..I dried the clothes.. push them to the HHOOTTT SUN..
I'm not suppose to make sis was buying me SUBWAY!! ..wish everyday I could eat it..fell so fresh and least for
then i sat down in front of the comp..*ok housewife don't d this..but exceptional for me..=p* ..and logged on to UTAR PORTAL!! ..and saw..the link.."SEMESTER FINAL EXAMINATION RESULTs!!" heart..came out..and went in back.. i was like..damm.."why now!!??" .. cause if i see something UNEXPECTED..I'll probably drop dead la!!..arrgghh..
so carefully..i clicked on the link..only to see.."YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO VIEW THIS PAGE!!" ...part of me was like.."what on earth..??" ..another was like.."thank God!!" least i have another day to so-call enjoy..hehe..cause surely it's out TOMORROW!!..sighh..
anyway..back to my house-wifing..story.. i mopped and swept the whole house.. took the dry clothes..folded them.. went to the porch.. swept the dry leaves..did a bit of so-called gardening..hehe..made the dining and the living room.. tip-top.. before my mom came home..or else..her pressure rises..she starts to nagg...I get worked up and I'l go crazy..hehe..
so yeah..i was so close to cooking dinner..infact i was soo eager to..but my mom says.."it's ok..i can cook.." ..and later she'll start complaining.."you sit at home..learn how to COOK AND CLEAN!!" i know..MOMS!!..who can ever understand them??..
well..anyway..i did CAFE WORLD in Facebook..INDIRECTLY close friend is in truly madly deeply.!! know what's the beauty in girls..they talk..uh huh..TALK!"OMG He CALLED ME TODAY!!" those moments..anyway, you think, its lame??'s called GIRLS!! ..we share..we care..we live..=)
Unlike trapped doors..yeah..I'm in love..that's my problem..not yours..!!.. lol.. now that's what you call..EERRHHMM..okie..i should probably stop discriminating genders stick to my priorities..and NO STEREOTYPING!!..hehe..
but whatever is it..I'm so proud I'm a girl..!! and being a aint that bad either..cause I get burn calories too!!..hehe..
ok..up for another movie..hehe..take care..god bless..

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