Its not something bad or what la.. I mean I know i have the tendency to get people addicted to me very fast..but this is a bit over i think.. *ceehh perasan*, its like obesession.. The dude messages me as early as 6.15am!! ..after my every class..during his lunch time.. at night.. my inbox in FULL!!
I've already told him in the nicest way as possible.."I dont wanna get into another mess..please understand.." ..nope..he doesnt wanna give up..he says he just wanna be my friend!!..I tried my best to be "mean" ...i ignored his messages..but after a while..i feel bad.. sigh.. and i dislike that part of me..for giving in too much.. *GIRL, LEARN TO SAY "NO" NEXT TIME K??*
But lets see far is this dude willing to go.. cause currently the heart is any kinda feeling.. as in that "butterfly" feeling.. the walls has already been built much stronger and higher.. impossible for any human to penetrate..unless his the best of the best la.. so lets wait for the so called.."knight in shinning armor" to break the walls..and calm the fire burning in me..=) big time la..
Anyway thats not for me to decide.. I LEAVE IT TO HIM UP THERE!! =) For He has better plans for me..than I could ever have for myself.. Plans only HE knows that could truly satisfy and bring the joy I want.. well,who knows..I might not even find the right guy...which brings me back to the main point..there's more to life than all this..=)
good nite and cling on to JEREMIAH 29:11 =)

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