Hi my darling baby,
Amma here, you r 21st 2day?(13/10/99). i can't believe this tiny girl of mine is a young woman now. You were lst brought forth to this world in University Hosp PJ, with rosy cheeks black thick hair, eyes closed most of the time. I ll just wait for you to open your eyes. The tiny cutie i hold then,your little fingers that clasped my index finger, the big round eyes trying to focus on bright colours, the most difficult task of yours ie to drink milk, your cunning tricks to be carried, the first time you turned to lie flat on your chest, the first time you crawl, your 1st footsteps when u walk, your first word, how you were afraid of Santa Claus, how u welcome you baby sister juan, how u played with your little cousins. How u were a bundle of joy to your maternal grandparents, uncles dan chiti becoz you were the 1st grandchild for them.
You lst days in tadika, how you 'con' your fellow tadika students, your early days in JB primary school. your class teacher had tales of stories to tell me and i too have seen myself. I m sure the rest of the things of yourself you can remember from there(primary school to now)
Today i thank God for he has given me a wonderful daughter. Many parents have given the best 21st birthday celebrations for their children but unfortunately i m not able to give . Forgive me for that. But i truly give my sincere blessings and prayers for you. Always walk in the faith of God and be Christ minded. Put God above all things and you will never be misled. I pray that all your prayers and wishes be fulfilled.
Your amma who will always luv you
P/S ...i realize my mom write a lot like me huh??..lol..hmm
and my mom is also a bit caught up with the SMS language..hehe..dont mind k??..=)
and praise GOD for technology!!..lol

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