lol..ok let's save the story telling part for some other day aite??..hehe..well..Rina said she don't mind..but if it's a girl..she has to be VIRGIN!! ..helena..was just laughing through out..hehe..
and they asked.."Juan??" duh!! answer has to be the opposite..i mean's so gender discriminating!! why on earth it's ok for a guy to not be a virgin..BUT for a girl..IT'S A MUST!!?? ..and erm..why is it when a guy has many girlfriend's it's called.."COOL"..but when a girl does the same thing..they look at her with DIRTY EYES!!.. me..OUTDATED..or WEIRD..or LAME..or whatever is it..but I DO NOT settle for SECONDHANDS!!..hehe..i need QUALITY AND BRAND NEW!! yeah you can be the cutest and hawtest human ever existed!!..but if you don't have what I want..kiss me good bye k>
why I blogged about that..hehe..i also don't know.. the tuition center today..actually i was replacing my sis.. don't think i get paid as well..lydia..hehe..but who least i can make myself useful..hehe..
there's this boy.. who is my student as well in church.. pretty smart..but since his from sek keb..while the rest from tamil school..he tend to look down on them..well they are pretty late..and behind..but still..arghh
and his temper!!..gosh..not only him..all the other SK boys as well.. and worsely these guys are from CHURCH!! ..i was stunt!!.. like having a culture-shock!! ..dissapointed!! ..never expected!!..and they fight!! literally fight.. close to gangsters..hmm..
gosh..i just kids..*if i have any* ..don't turn up like that.. sigh..well..i know i won't let them..
and i realize..i hate it when someone looses their temper..cause they turn out to be a totally different person!! for once..when my sis lost her temper..SHE LITERALLY BANGED MY HEAD!! ..yeah! sis..the so-called angel..can;t imagine huh??.. it was pain.. but i just took a deep breath..and she walked least she had the courtesy to call and apologize the next day la..hehe..
I don't know what I'll do if i ever lost my temper..and i don't wanna loose it either.. well at least i hope i dont..hmm..
yiks..!! and never ever find a guy with a loose temper!!..TRUST ME..!! ..that's like a free ticket to hell..*sorry to say this..*..but i'm not kidding.. love is blind..and can be dumb sometimes..hehe.. but it's not worth it.. uh huh..NOPE!! ..
this is so far the most fulfilling day ever..hmm.. but something is missing though.. something is so missing..deep down.. it's getting far far away.. perhaps i should let go.. now if only i can find the will to do it so..i will.. but why can't i??.. yiks!!..
dumb really dumb..
conscience: why Juan..why??.. where's your guts..??
Juan:..don't know.. gone with the wind, maybe??..
conscience: ..don't be a chicken.. why can't you just face it??..
Juan:..don't know.. i wish i could answer..but no..i can't find the will to do it.. you're not gonna do anything..??
Juan: ..sigh..hello.. i tried my best k!!..
conscience: ..yea rite!!..
Juan: ...
lol..ok the girl's emo-ing again.. blueekk.. go and get a life JUAN!! what if its gone.. go and find a new one!!..
yeah..easy for you to say..I'm the one who's gonna have to live with it..
oh..on second don't have a choice're stuck with me too!..haha
omygosh..was i just talking to my self?? happens... it always happens.. hmm
good nite..god bless..

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