I agree with you..
You call her crazy..
I say she's a gift..
With those big brown eyes..
And the bolting laughter..
She tries her best..
To cheer everyone up!!
Her pillar of strength
She hold on to..
Her comforter of sorrow
She keeps close to her heart..
"Jesus is the answer to everything.."
She says..
I say.."your right baby!!'
Many she taught me..
Forever I'll treasure..
For she's one in a million..
She's one of a kind..
A helping hand she offers..
For those who asks..
A shoulder to cry on..
She never hesitates..
Once your addicted to her..
Forever she's there for you..
My best friend she claims to be..
I say.."no one else can take your place!!"
Lotsa love..
Your best friend..
sorry..I'm not there to throw eggs and flour on you..
But hope the so-called poem will do..
LOVE YA..forever..=)

hahahaha juan juan..u don crap loadz k..ppl its ALL crap hahaha thanx baby..love you too :)