Your impossible to find.." ...fall for you-secondhand serenade..
Firstly..if your smart, you'll ignore my last post.. and save your time by asking.."who the hell is he??" ..cause no..I'm aint saying a word..cause I know I look like some "love struck DUMB teen!!".. hehe
Secondly..last night..or this had the weirdest..most beautiful dream ever!!.. hehe.. Normally I'll wake feeling afraid..and say.."thank God its only a dream.." ..seriously I dreamed mostly about murders..and somehow I'll be the CRIME SCENE a hero.. trying to find the murderer..but of cause..I always woke up..BEFORE I find them..or ended up catching the wrong person..hehe..
sigh...I'm so grateful for dreams...arent you??.. THEY MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE.. and you get up..with a smile on your face..hoping that'll come true.. I saw this quote somewhere.. where it says..
"The best moments in life..cannot be seen..but only felt deep within..that's why you close your eyes...when you kiss..when you cry.. and when you dream.." =) true huh??
So despite all those assignments pilling up..I manage to find the time to watch ,,"10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU!!" ..and some time to blog about it..
So here's my 10 things I hate about you..
I hate the way you annoy me and drive me up the wall..then keep me coming back for more..
I hate it when you make me realize..there's always some hope matter how hard it seems..
I hate it..when I had the worse day ever..and how you make it so making me laugh like crazy..
I hate the fact that I can't go on a minute without the thought of you in my mind..
I hate the way my heart acts whenever your name appears in my mobile..
I hate the fact..that you live a thousand miles apart..but remain close to my heart..
I hate myself for wanting to tell my day went on..and how much I missed you..
I hate the thought of you..having someone else..but me..on your mind..and by your side..
I hate it when I know that someone like impossible to find..
I hate to hope..and still hoping..that somewhere..somehow.. I'll find the way to your heart..
THERE!! ...hehe..My own version of "10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU!!" guys should come out with your own.. I had fun writing it..hehe
Actually I can go on and on..but I need to get some house chores done first!!..=)
And yes..once in a while..I have to be a girl..whether I like it or not..=p

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