hmmm...I haven't been dreaming much lately..which is a good thing i guess..cause nothing is bothering me.. or maybe..I'm just extremely tired..hehe.. know..why some people dream??.. its cause they tend to think about that person..or that event..CONSTANTLY!! ..and eventually it'll appear on their dream... but will do more research on it la.. so far..only this i know..=)
Anyway..the post about my friends..I'll save it for the next k??..lazy to upload the pics now..hehe..
So the girlse..were talking about their relationships...hehe..of cause I didnt say a word about mine.. cause.. firstly, its like really lame...and I hate to show 'stupid-ness' ...secondly.. it's like really long..and too many connection here and there..meaning I had to a yeah..
So I make a post...of guys in far I've known off...
- Guys..whom you have a huge crush on... and you dont dare to talk to him.. for you know..the chances for EMBARRASSMENT to take just toooo big!!
- Guys whom you still have a huge crush on..but turns out to be a total JERK!! ...and then you look back and think.."OMG!!..what in the world is wrong with me??..of all persons..I chose..HIM??" ..eehhww.. lol
- Guys who meant to break a girls emotion=HEARTLESS!!
- Guys who are..erm..OBSSESED with you!!...the control freak.. you've given them a hint.."I'm not interested in you!!" ..and yet..every morning..every night.. after all your classes... there's a message from them...yikes!!...
- Guys who are totally immature...totally absurd.. haven't gotten a single idea..on how the world works.. who gives pathetic get rid of you!!..
- Guys who are very respectful and extremely sweet..for once you tell them.. that you guys are not meant to be... and thats were..they'll stand..=)
- Guys who are your flirt friends... where you can talk to them about anything.. and you know..THEY wont take it seriously...*lim, wai yuen*..=p..hehe..
- Guys who recognizes you as a friend..only when they need you..or do not have anywhere to go... worst still..they didnt need your presence..when you needed them the most..=(..and yet.. you have no tell it to their face!!
- Guys whom you can talk about everything..and anything...who to make you laugh till you cant laugh anymore!!..who annoys you to the max...and still you enjoy his company...=D
- Guys..whom you're just dying to find out what his thoughts are...whether or not you manage to make it to his mind and his heart...who maybe..just maybe..feels the same about you.. but no one wants to make a move!!...and it kills!!
why I posted it??..hehehe...nothing else to do..=p
anyway..will call it off a night!!..
god bless..

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