Takkan mampu menhadapi semua..
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa...."
Phewww...class till 5PM...came back home..did an ULTRA-SUPER FAST CHANGING.. rushed to play badminton with CRYSTAL & Shashi at 6PM... and now.. here I am..barely alive.. still.. its not an EXCUSE to not blog..hehehe...
How was my day??..pretty crazy.. I love MR KEN CHONG'S class!!..My MASS COM lecturer..though its at 8AM on a MONDAY!!..never once did he make me feel it was a waste coming to his class..though many feels he's tooo straight foward..but I think he's one of a kind.. he always gives me a reason to think..not to mention his absolute humor..that never fail to make me laugh..no matter how lame it sounds..hehehe...
And then met up with some crazy bunch of people...hehe.. I'm not trying to stereotype or anything.. its just that...being an ARTS based student..is soooo different compared to a SCIENCE BASED student.. In arts... its not about getting the correct and exact ANSWER through the formalae and calculations.. Its about how you do the reasoning.. how you make your mind..THINK beyond IMAGINATION!! out of the box!! ..how you're not PROGRAMMED..to only involve the things around you..but HOW you reach out to others.. based on YOUR communication...YOUR WRITTING!!..theres no fact involve...only YOUR own interest..in making a change out there..in this crazy world..
To make it simple.. being in an ARTS based world.. you tend to have a lot more fun..but of cause.. the challenges you face..is far more riskier as well... well..I'm saying all this based on my own experience and observation.. but I AGREE..both Science and Arts are important!!...so theres no such thing..as THE SCIENCE STUDENT ARE SMARTER..and all that crap..=)
So did I make the right choice...in choosing my career line??...hehehehehehe..ABSOLUTELY!! that ONE year wait..was SO worth it!! ..I love what I'm studying now.. even the drawings.. Infact some even complimented on them.. hehe..=)..
Amazing huh??..how God works..?? ...He makes you wait impatiently..only to GIVE YOU THE BEST!! .. He tests every single nerve of yours...to see..which one snaps.. He messes up your head..only to draw a BIGGER smile on your face... =) ...
So incase..your wondering..why arent your prayers answered?? why am I still wondering out in the cold..all alone?? ..well.. it only means God planning something really big for you!!... LOOSEN UP your NERVES...so when HE tests it..it wont snap that easily!!..Sharpen your faith.. it's a very good weapon to fight the devil!! ..DO NOT PUT A FULLSTOP...where GOD has placed A COMMA..yes indeed..HE has a plan..=)
Aren't we all blessed..to have HIM choose US as His child?? I couldn't ask for anything more..
Thank YOu Lord...for everything I've been through till the day I was born..to this moment on..=)
well..gues thats it for today...
wait.. one more last thing... I am soooo thru being taken for granted... sooo done with those who thinks..I'm a trophy..that needs to be dusted once in a while.. and when I start shinning..they put me back on the shelf..=( ...those who only need me..when they've no one by their side... what am I?? ..some kinda recycling item??...sigh..and somewhere somehow...I know I got to face this reality..no matter how much I deny it and how ugly it seems...it is the truth..
I'm sorry for the hashness...but according to my CREATOR..I'm worth soooo much more than that.. =) ..
take care...and God bless...

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