Moral for the day.."NEVER SLEEP TOOOOO LONG IN THE AFTERNOON!!..cause now..I CANT SLEEP!!" ..=(
Food for the day..."MOM'S HOME MADE NASI LEMAK!!"=D
Friend for the day..."MELLISA JAMES" ..the organist in church.. for trying to teach me how to play the organ..which of cause never really happened..cause we ended up laughing like crazy..for silly things.."=D
News for the day.."BERNADETTE going for ballet classes!!.."
Achievement for the day.."FINISHED MY writing ASSIGNMENT!!" ..weeeeeeeeeee!!!
Quote for the day... "It is always between you and the GOD.. it was NEVER between you and the world.."
Hobby for the day..."Slept!! a pig!!" =D ...
Animal for the day.."the damm rat..that's been eating mom's potatoes!!" ..
Excitement for the day.."teaching my std 5 students..for the first time this year.."
Disappointment for the day.."New students are extremely naughty and fussy!!..Miss my old students!!" ...=(
Crush for the day..."that dude from my dream!!" felt like i've known him forever..
Song for the day.."CLOSE YOUR westlife...." ...
Anytime that we find ourselves apart..
"Just close your eyes..
And you'll be here with me..
Just look to your heart..
And that's where I'll be..
If you just close your eyes..
Till your drifting away..
You'll never be too far from me..
If you close your eyes.."
Lover for forever.."JESUS!!""Just close your eyes..
And you'll be here with me..
Just look to your heart..
And that's where I'll be..
If you just close your eyes..
Till your drifting away..
You'll never be too far from me..
If you close your eyes.."
Good night..and God bless..

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