hehe.. I attended our second English Youth meeting a while ago.. and GOSH!! ..Kena ejek teruk-teruk wei!!.. Did my posts about those guys..sounded like I was really DESPERATE??..ish.. they were just cute!!..thats it!!..CASE CLOSED!! to be honest I didnt think anyone would actually wanna READ such LONG and LAME post..lol...
Anyway..come on la people.. if you've been reading my blog for the pasts year.. CUTE guys..are just to PASs TIME only hehehe.. something to make my bored life..INTERESTING!!..hehe.. they are like the ingredient to bake a cake... eggs, sugar or floor... I only go for the cherry and CREAM.. ON TOP OF THE BAKED DELICIOUS CAKE!!.. in other words.. the BEST of the BEST with the WHOLE PACKAGE!!..=D
I was thinking of a NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION..something like..NO MORE CUTE GUYS!! ..then I realize..my post on 1ST of JANUARY itself was about a cute guy..lol..you really think its gonna work??..lol..yeah I thought so as well.. NOPE!!..not even in my dreams.. hehe..
So guess I'll stick with NO RESOLUTIONS this year..=D
p/s I really really really really wanna go for WYD next year!!..
but again Lord..
We may plan everything.. but You bring forth the results..
You know whats good and best for us..
You know what awaits us in future..
If it is Your will.. May it be done..
Whatever happens..
I know Your Love will never change..=)
Good nite..god bless

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