Well it happened to me this morning.. I was pretty early for my Public Speaking class.. and was reading the so-called notice board.. more like starring at it..for nothing there caught my attention.. when suddenly....hehehe..*jeng jeng jeng*...lol..I spotted a guy..ok..a cute guy.. =p yeah..some big time SUSPENSE!!..hehe...and my hormones was getting all worked up..and of cause I acted as in..I saw no one.. like.."I'm not interested in you.." kinda thing..hehe ..I mean.. you dont wanna be to eager rite..he's gonna think your a freak or something then..hehe
He obviously didn't see me... so I entered the class.. and have no idea why in the world do I always choose the seat right under the AIRCOND!! ..after a few minutes I'll start shivering like I'm in north pole or something... by then I'll be tooo shy to get up and change to another warmer seat..lol.. so I'll remain where I'm seated..hmmm
And coincidentally..or maybe God randomly chose that moment to relax a bit and have a laugh.. hehe.. He made the dude sat right NEXT TO ME!! ..in side..I was going insane.. outside I was.."I don't care where you sit!!" lol.. I kononnya took out my note book.. and was too embarrassed to take out my pencil case which is a koala bear pencil case..lol what??..I love fluffy and huggable stuffs!!..=p.. so instead I just took out a pen.. and started scribbling something.. He went forward to get the paper..when I saw what was written at the back of his shirt..it was a BIBLE VERSE..taken from the book of ROMANS...!! .. I smiled.. hmm..a Christian..=)
The seats in UCSI.. comes with a small table at the side.. and can be unfolded when not in use.. I was there..still scribbling on that empty sheet of paper.. I heard my phone vibrating..and the moment I took up my hand of the small table..DANG!!! there was a laud noise ..and my whole table got unfolded!!..my notebook with my papers everything fell down!!..damm!! I gave a silly smile..and consoled myself..saying.."it could happen to anyone.." ..and suddenly the cute guy handed me my paper.. I was like.."err thanks!!" ... didnt realise i dropped it..lol
That was still ok i guess.. and then.. the lecturer..started the class.. He was kinda funny.. I was readjusting my bag.. trust me.. I should have burnt that bag of mine..after school.. but I had no heart.. too many memories..and I like it!! Only it was a lil too big..just to fit in my umbrella and a couple of test pads.. hehe.. while re-adjusting it..DANG!!..IT FELL DOWN AGAIN!!..the table unfolded AGAIN!!..ohhh noooo!!..WHY DOES THIS KEEP ON HAPPENING TO ME!!?? ..I wanted to dig a grave and bury myself there and there... Everyone was starring at me.. sheesshh.. I'm officially not in good terms with UCSI's seats ANYMORE!! ... I could feel God watching from up there.. asking me.."How was it??" ..hehehe... I said.. "well at least I didnt break my CHAIR and tore my jeans!!" ..=P
Since I was not registered..and according to the lecturer..the class was FULL.. I'm sooo not gonna take PUBLIC SPEAKING for this semester..hehe..so I really hope I don't bump into that guy AGAIN!!.. no way, man!!.. =(
So basically that was the highlight in my second day.. I have a feeling my "CLUMSY-NESS" is never gonna leave me..even if I'm buried 6 feet underground..hehe..
hmmm...Clumsy..reminds me of the song 'CLUMSY' by fergie..
You got me trippin, stumblin..
Clumsy cause I'm falling in love..
You got me slippin, tumblin..
Clumsy cause I'm falling in love..
So in love with you..
Good nite..and sweet dreams..Flippin..fumbling..
Clumsy cause I'm falling in love..
You got me slippin, tumblin..
Clumsy cause I'm falling in love..
So in love with you..
But the girl is not in love..or is she??.. hmmm..nah not yet.. she would have notified me.. lol.. or can one fall in love without realizing it??..oh oh.. that's a danger zone!!.. lol.. Once she's in it.. she can't come out!!.. Then what am I to do??..
Yikes!!..what a strange conversation..lol..
hehehe..sorry for the nonsense above.. I'm just waiting for.."according to him" ..
Yikes!!..what a strange conversation..lol..
hehehe..sorry for the nonsense above.. I'm just waiting for.."according to him" ..

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