I mean who needs all these 8-5pm classes.. the endless assignments.. the lecture notes that's begging to be read... the pen that needs ink replacement.. the time taken to decide.."what should I wear today??" .. the lecturer's faces..that seriously needs a face lift..like from Heath Ledger in DARK NIGHT.."why so serious??" ..hehe
And not forgetting...last BUT NOT LEAST..the train torture..whereby some nutcase almost lost 'her' leg while running after the useless train..which is usually delayed..but was 3 minutes EARLY!!..lol..YUP, ITS ME!!.. who else can be dumb enough to knock the iron ticket railing..with a laud "bang"..that I swear..everyone TURNED and starred at me..
Despite the stinging pain in my leg..I sempat show my 32 pairs of teeth while everyone's brain was processing the fact that they're starring at some mad lady..with her school bag, an oversized white with colourful "stars" sweater..with a pink top..and sport shoes..not to mention..pink dangling earrings as well.. please dont start imagining.. you'd probably imagine a clown or something..hehehe..
And now..I have to use the hot-water bag..to reduce the swelling on my thighs.. not to mention the blue-black patch on it.. I cant believe I hurt myself..just to catch that nasty train.. at least the cute guy also..could have been worth while..=p
Which brings us back to the main question.. GETTING MARRIED??.. sounds interesting.. only theres two tiny-winy problem..
Ok..something is so wrong somewhere... I mean you dont study.. to gain more love and more money??.. can't be.. so what's the purpose of studying??..Friends.. oh yeah.. I met some awesome people today..=D .. meaning..maybe, just maybe.. I was meant to go to UCSI..=p
arghhh..lets just screw STUDYING aite!!.. by the time i figure out the answer.. I'll be missing a whole lotsa other stuff out there..=p
I'm crapping again..aint I??..sigh
p/s why cant they have a LOCK to lock certain websites??.. I mean..something 0r SOMONE has to prevent me from BLOGGING and FACEBOOKING.. while I do my research...hehe..
take care..and god bless..

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